I love you....

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(A/n: hey guys oml 100 views on it lmao I so didn't think I was gonna get there but thank u guys for reading this fanific (btw lots more coming))

-(Y/N)'s P.O.V-
I woke up.. I thought I was dead because the bright lights beamed down upon my face. My eyes slowly adjusted and I saw Brendon sitting on the chair peacefully sleeping. He looked horrible. He had bags under his eyes..and he had scars and bruises on his face. Yet he still looked so adorable when he sleeps. I grabbed my phone to check the time...9:55 a.m. I decided to go on my Instagram. I read the words 'Brendon Urie has followed you' at that moment I fangirled a bit. I suddenly had a message from a girl named Sara 'Back off my man...he doesn't fucking want you bitch.' Wow rude much but I could give less of a shit right now about baby mama drama. I suddenly remembered everything Brendon said to me...Sara cheated on him? Why did he tell me this?.

-Flashback moment-
"I l-love you (Y/N)."
"That feeling you want to know or be with this person forever."
"I never had the guts to date you back in high school...b-but you remebered me the n-nerd that n-no one wanted to hang out with."

-Flashback ends-
(Still (Y/N)'s P.O.V)
"Oh my god....someone actually loves m-me." I said in a shocked tone. Then I heard grumbles from Brendon. "Beebo? Are you awake?" I said quietly but still loud enough for him to hear me. Then he stretched facing the wall. He then whipped his body around so fast I thought he broke his spine. "(Y/N)!!! Your awake!" He said running up to me and hugging me tightly. "Yeah I'm awake...uh about the things you said to me. What happened about that Sara chick?" I said no regard to his feelings. "Uh...ok. So I was on tour. And it was the last show...it ended in San Diego I think. When I finished the show I was in a pretty decent mood. Knowing me I needed to roll a lil somethin...*cough* anyways I came home I saw shoes on the entrance and a jacket on the coat hanger. I walked into the bedroom and see Sara with someone." He said...he had some tears in his eyes I wiped them off. I quickly hugged him "I'm soo sorry that happened to you.. I kind of feel like an asshole for dodging that kiss now." I said as I let go of him..he pulled me in tighter. "No no it's o-ok." He said in a weary voice. The hug lasted for about 3 minutes until the doctor came. "Ah I see your up and well Mrs.Urie" He said with a jolly grin on his face. "Mrs.Urie? I'm not m-" I quickly got cut off by Brendon. "Of course you are babe remember how I proposed to you?" He said laughing it off. I knew what he was trying to do but I went with it. "Oh yeah! How could I forget the day you kneeled down on one knee and asked me for my hand in marriage." I said in a southern accent teasing him a bit. He laughed trying to hold in it. "Ok Mr. and Mrs. Urie I'll give you some time to talk." He said beaming his smile at us. He walked out of the room. Brendon and I bursted out laughing. I asked him when we started quieting down "But why the hell am I your wife now." "Ok (Y/N) this may seem ridiculous but I love you....I loved you since highschool. And I want to be with you and see if we can be a thing." I cut him off "Brendon Boyd Urie, are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I said childishly. "Yeah...pretty much." He said rubbing the back of his head. "Well call me Jackie Robinson at the MLB finals cause I just hit a home run." I said in a southern accent. "So..are we officially dating?" He says with a chuckle. "Yes Mr.Homerun" I said. We hugged for 4 more minutes he kept saying "I love you" every 5 seconds. Brendon said while letting go of the hug "Alright let's sign some papers to get out of this hospital!" I replied "Ok."

I love the things you hate about yourself (Brendon Urie X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now