Collar Full...

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(A/n: hey guys ik I'm annoying but just picture this is like a week from the This is Gospel shoot)

-(Y/N)'s P.O.V-

We drove home silently. We just came back from eating brunch and walking around Venice beach. Brendon gripping my thigh as we drove down the busy streets of Los Angeles. "Hey (Y/N)," Brendon said as he looked into my eyes which were glued on the road. "I have a surprise when we get home." He said while smiling gingerly. "What is it?" I asked. "It's a song." He said. I immediately started to get excited. Even though I live with Brendon Urie, I always get excited whenever he sings or one of his songs come on the radio. I quickly drove home impatient to listen to it.

-20 min. later-

We finally got to the house. I pulled up to the driveway, quickly turned off the engine, unbuckled my seatbelt, and hopped out of the car in a matter of seconds. "Come on Brendon hurry up." I whined. I was so ready to hear this song.

-Brendon's P.O.V-

I hurried out of the car and pulled out the keys to the house. I unlocked the door and (Y/N) bolted to my studio 'Urielectric'. She already punched the code in and jumped onto the couch by the time I got to the studio. "Alright come here." I said breaking the comfortable silence. I sat down on my rolling chair and pulled up the file 'Collar Full'. (Y/N) couldn't stop moving. She was hovering over me looking at my computer screen and smiling in pure excitement. I smile to myself. 'She really loves my music' I thought to myself. I pressed play on the song and it started. "We've waited so damn long, we're sick and tired." The first lyric sang out in a nice tone. I never really liked listening to myself sing. I kinda think it's weird for me but I guess I'm the only one who feels that way. Other people may think the same but I have never really liked the thought of listening to my own songs on a day to day basis. "Oh show me your love, your love." It started to sing the chorus. (Y/N) looked very pleased with the song. She closed her eyes to really listen to the lyrics and melody. "If you're gonna be the death of me, that's how I wanna go." My computer sang out. That was my favorite lyric out of the whole song. Once the song ended I turned to face (Y/N) beaming a smile. "What do you think?" I asked eager for her thoughts. "It was great..I loved it." She said smiling. "You know that song was about you.." I randomly said out of nowhere. I wasn't even going to tell her that. Not because I don't love her because I do but I don't think she would've liked it. "Really?" She said and I saw her starting to tear up. "Yeah." I sighed then did a half smile. She started to cry. "I feel the same way Bren." She said in joy. I came over to hug her and she held me..tighter than before. "This gives me the perfect opportunity to do this." I said. I've been waiting to do this the first time I layed eyes on her. I want to cherish every moment I have with her before it's too late. I pulled out a velvet box and opened it to reveal a ring. (Y/N) covered her mouth in shock and shook her head. "(Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N). Ever since the first day of highschool..I fell for you. The moment you walked through that first door, I knew I wanted to be yours. The way you stick up for me and cheer me up at my darkest times is one of your best traits. You make me happy. The day you left I couldn't even look at myself I hated myself so much. And it's because I lost you. I can't have that happen again and it won't. I love you so much (Y/N). Will you make me even happier and be my wife?"

(A/n: ending it there cause I'm an asshole soz but there u go imma make a couple more fics later on but this is all for now.)

I love the things you hate about yourself (Brendon Urie X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now