Why didn't you tell me...

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-Brendons P.O.V-

"Mr. Urie?" The nurse said with a straight face so I couldn't tell if (Y/N) was dead or not. Spencer and I stood anxious to see what the nurse was going to say. "(Y/N) is still alive but she hasn't woke up since the incident. Would you like to see her?" She said with still a straight face. "Yes....p-please." I had trouble saying that but I just went with it. "Hey man I know you're gonna stay here until she wakes up so how bout I get you two some food. In-N-Out?" Spencer said pointing his thumb to the exit. I'm guessing he doesn't want to see me talking to a mystery girl that's sound asleep. "Alright...get me anything. I honestly don't care. And for (Y/N) just buy the whole damn menu." I said while handing him the money. "Whatever you want  Bren." He chuckled then left. "Can I see her now?" I said nervously fidgeting with my hands. "Yes you may!" The straight face nurse finally beamed her smile at me. The nurse and I walked in the room. "I'll give you two some time to catch up." She said as she was walking out of the room. I took a chair and picked it up and set it right next to (Y/N). She seemed so peaceful sleeping. "Hey (Y/N) uh I just want to let you know that you can wake up whenever you're ready...and that pervert boss of yours has a lawsuit on his hands." I laughed a little bit hiding the pain that he did to me. I continued "Ok that's not really why I wanted to talk to you...after my ex-wife, Sara , cheated on me while I was on tour I was hurt and I refused to go anywhere or do anything. But Dallon one of my friends encouraged me to at least get some coffee or something. I did and when I saw you I had hope...just hope and the feeling you get when you want to know or be with this person forvever. I never wanted to date you back in highschool beacuse you were way out of my league. And not just because you were popular or sexy as hell and you still are but because you had a heart of gold, you cared about the people that was close to you...and s-still managed t-to remember me the little scrawny nerd that no one wanted to be with." I felt tears streaming down my cheek. "And I don't want to be that one conceded celebrity and be like 'oh she remembers me and wants to be with me just for the fame and money' and I know that's not the case because you would never just use me like that....I can tell you've been through a lot and would never try to hurt anybody a-as much as t-they hurt y-you." By that time I was sobbing on (Y/N)'s arm. "I l-love you...why didn't you tell me you cut yourself." I stood up trying to calm myself down pacing back and forth. But I just got more and more angry as I thought about her with depression. I leaned against the white hospital wall with my forearm on my head as I thought... I just leaned there and thought over and over 'I could've been there' 'I should've of been there she said she has nobody' 'I should've been that somebody'. I sat down on the chair and fell asleep hoping she wouldn't be up when I'm not awake.

(A/n: anyways hope ur having fun reading this story make sure to vote on it amd comment ur thoughts mkay byeee.)

I love the things you hate about yourself (Brendon Urie X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now