She's such a tease..

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-Beebo's P.O.V-

We finally arrived at my house. (Y/N) still dead asleep. I pull up to the driveway and turned off the engine. I took a sip of my Pumpkin Spice Latte and climbed out of the car. It was the middle of October and a quick breeze of the crisp air blew to me. "Geez it's cold." I whisper to myself while rubbing my arms. I opened the door where (Y/N) was sitting. I picked her up bridal style to the guest room. When I came back to the living room and heard "Hi Brendon did you have a great trip with that slut?" Sarah asked. She was sitting on the couch staring at a wall sipping coffee. "She's not a slut. And why do you care?" I asked grabbing a bottle of whiskey and pouring it in a glass. "Brendon you totally ignored me at the gas station. Why are you paying attention to me right now is the real question you should be asking yourself." Sarah said looking mad as ever. "You know what you're right why am I wasting my time talking to the woman who cheated on me." I say as I got up to go to my bedroom. "Brendon please hear me out I want to be with you..I'm sorry but the past is the past and you have to let go of was only one night." Sarah said she tried to catch up to me but I stopped in the hallway and turned around. "Do you know what else is in the past...." I said trying my best not to yell. "What?" She replied with a snobby look on her face. " get the hell out of my house and give me my backup key." I said pointing to the door. She obeyed and gave me the key and left. I kind of feel bad for yelling at her face. Oh well she deserves for cheating on me and calling my girlfriend a slut.

Honk Honk Honk.
I see Josh and (Y/N)'s friend pulling up to the driveway with most of (Y/N)'s stuff. "Hey man..where's the girl." I ask as I greet Josh. "Right here.." I hear a nervous voice mumble. I examined (Y/N)'s friend for a second or two. She had burgundy/brown hair she was around (Y/N)'s height..she had light brown eyes with long and bold eyelashes. "You must be Brendon." She says yawning while shaking my hand at the same time. " You must be Nataly...nice to meet you..ok do you have her stuff." I ask trying my best not to yawn either. "Yea we have most of it the other stuff is with her parents." Nataly replied. "Great let's go inside and I'll make you guys some coffee." I say beaming my smile. I was honestly done with coffee until the morning. We went inside as I helped Josh unload the boxes. "So are you and Nataly a thing." I asked as I picked up a box. "No...I wish she's just so cute. And she's a fucking tease." Josh replies laughing at the last part. I laugh along as we went inside. I put on a movie for them. "You guys can stay here for the night if you want." I say while taking a sip of my whiskey. "Ok I guess that's fine with me..unless Nataly wants to go home." Josh says looking over at her. "Nah I'm getting kinda tired of seeing the road so might as well just stay here for the night." Nataly says while stretching her arms. "Alright you two I'll see ya in the morning I think I'll just crash it with (Y/N) for the night. I said walking to the guest room. I see (Y/N) sleeping ever so peacefully. I quickly changed to some sweatpants and a T-shirt. I cuddled up against her. She smiled as I drifted off to sleep.

(A/n: i just read on thin ice and i cried my eyeballs out *still recommending it to you* and then the end of all things came on );)

I love the things you hate about yourself (Brendon Urie X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now