Nothing but Pure happiness...

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-Brendon's P.O.V-

I wake up a little stuffy because the window was open. I tried to close it as the cold October air hit me like a bus. I feel myself waking up a little bit more because of that. I turn around to see if (Y/N) was there and she was...sleeping ever so peacefully. I smiled a little as I look at her gorgeous (yet beaten up) face. I sigh knowing that she had to go through all of that bull shit back where she lived. I stretch my arms, making me yawn. I whispered "Good morning my lovely." She didn't hear me because she was dead asleep. I chuckled a little bit and went off to make some coffee. I can never function correctly without coffee. 'Wow I'm seriously turning into a white girl.' I thought to myself quietly. I took my coffee grinds and placed it on the filter of the coffee maker. I sighed knowing it might take longer than it usually does because of everyone here. I went to the living room to see Josh on his phone and Nataly sleeping. "Morning dick twister." Josh said while his eyes were glued on his phone. "Morning pussy flapper." I said laughing at our names that we give each other. Josh and I weren't the best of friends. Of course he was closer to Tyler (a/n: smol bean ^_^). I never really had a close friend like that...well I mean I have friends and all it's just that I don't have what Josh and Tyler have. 'Oh well..'  "Hey what happened last night I heard a lot of crying....were you questioning your sexuality." Josh says smiling mischievously. "No..stuff happened...a lot of sad stuff just happened." I said stretching my arms once again. "Is it about (Y/N)?" He asks finally looking up from his phone. I nod silently while making my way to a chair.. "Well why don't you make it up to her today." He says looking back at his phone. "That doesn't sound too bad of a plan Thanks Josh.." I said rushing to get ready. I walked to the coffee machine and pour myself a cup to go. I walked back into my room to grab a black T-shirt and blue jeans. I slipped my clothes on and placed my Detroit Tigers snapback on. 'Wait she's gonna be worried that I left her for Sarah if I didn't tell her...wait duh I'll just make a note.'

     Dear (Y/n),
I hope you had enough sleep last night because today we're going out. Right now I'm running some arrons so go with Nataly to the spa or something that girls do. Anyways I love you...and I always will it'll never change

                                            -Brendon U.

I quickly make my way to the guest bedroom where (Y/N) was still sleeping. I gently placed the note on the bed stand and quietly tip-toed my way out of the room. I hope she loves this...and obviously me.

-(Y/N)'s P.O.V-

I wake up...actually pretty good. I almost forgot what happened last night. 'Oh my god Brendon's gonna think I'm an emo freak because of last night...GOD DAMMIT'  I sit up stretching and yawning a little. I tried to get my phone on the stand but it was covered by a note. I silently read the note to myself laughing at how goofy and cheesy this boy's (a/n: thas why they call him dat boii) romance is. 'Jeez when will he ever stop being cheesy....never.' I laugh once again as I got up to see what's around his house. It's not being snoopy...I'm just trying to find my way around. I keep seeing boxes with my name on it. I opened one and saw all my band posters. 'Brendon Boyd Urie....the man himself took me under his wing and somehow got my stuff...I don't know if this is creepy, cheesy, or just plain Brendon being him.'  I walked to what I think is the living room to see Nataly laying next to JOSH MOTHERFUCKING DUN. I squeal a bit just because I'm a fangirl. I walk up to them and scared the literal shit out of them. "AHH" I scream into their ears. Evidently they were watching 'The Great Gatsby'. "Jesus Christ (Y/N) when will you ever stop spooking us." Nataly says while her hand was on her heart. Josh squeezed her in tighter. 'Ahhh ohhh myyyy god my bestfriend is dating Josh Dun. I need to start thinking of ship names. Jataly? Nosh? Eh maybe later.' "Ok you two I see you. Wait did Beebo make any coffee before he left?" I ask while rocking back and forth on my feet. "Of course he did. Remember he's Brendon..can't function without coffee." Josh says still cuddled up next to Nataly. "Oh I'm (Y/N) by the way. I'm such a fan of your work." I said beaming a smile. That smile was nothing...nothing but pure happiness.

(A/N: hey guys hoped you enjoyed this cheesy ass chapter so far....sorry I haven't been updating so's just that I actually have teachers that wanna give me endless amounts of hw.. anyways ily guys byeeeeeee <3)

I love the things you hate about yourself (Brendon Urie X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now