Mental health...

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-(Y/N)'s P.O.V-

I woke up frightened and in cold sweat. I had another nightmare.

~Nightmare starts~

There was a knock at the door. "Hey Bren can you get that?" I said going back to getting dressed. "Sure babe." Brendon replied faintly. He opened the door. I couldn't see who it was. I walked down the hall as the walls felt like it was coming in closer. I met up with Brendon and I saw...Damon. My ex boyfriend who used to abuse me is in my house. "Brendon why is Damon here?" I said walking backwards slowly. "Oh I forgot to tell you about this but Damon and I are related and after all the trouble you've caused him I think it's only fair if we pay that back." Brendon said with a sinister grin crawling onto his face. I started running. Faster than I ever had. I ran out to a park with a lake nearby. I stopped to catch my breath. I felt a bag go over my head and it being tightened around my neck. They pushed me into the lake. As I felt myself getting weaker and weaker. I'm dead.

~Nightmare ends~

-(Y/N)'s P.O.V-

I felt myself getting more upset as I recalled that nightmare to myself. I looked around and I was in the guest bedroom. Brendon must've carried me here. 'You know that dream is actually dejavu right?' A voice said faintly as those words echoed through my head. 'Damon is coming back for revenge.' Another one flickered through my ears. 'Brendon never really liked you that's why he killed you in that dream'  I shook my head trying to get away from the voices but they just keep coming back. The voices keep telling me horrible and depressing thoughts. I silently cried as I rocked back and forth knowing that what they say is true. I decided to fill my mind with other thoughts. Then I smelled strong coffee beans being brewed. I wiped my tears and walked away from my bed. I walked to the kitchen to see Brendon whistling and making coffee. He was whistling a Frank Sinatra song. I snuck up behind him and hugged him. "Goodmorning Bren." I said happily. "Morning sleepy head." He said chuckling.

-Brendon's P.O.V-

(Y/N) looked like she's been crying. I hate to see her like depressed and sad. "(Y/N) what's wrong." I said looking down at her. "What do you mean. Nothing's wrong. I'm totally fine." She said with one of her fake smiles. She's lying. "You're not fine (Y/N) what's wrong?" I said looking at her beautiful and soulful eyes. She looked away and started walking outside. "I don't wanna talk about right now." She said grabbing her sweater. "Where are you going?" I asked with concern. "I'm just gonna take a smoke that's all." She said looking back. We both looked at eachother one last time and then she went outside. Closing the hollow door that stands between us. "Fuck." I muttered as I hit my fist on the counter. I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. I looked outside the window and I saw (Y/N) smoking a pack of camels. I shook my head in an upset way and walked away from the window. I looked at my phone and just remembered I had to make an appointment with (Y/N)'s doctor. I picked up the phone and started dialing. It took three rings for someone to answer. "Dr. Lexington speaking how may I help you." The doctor said with a sigh. "Hi I'd like to make an appointment for (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." I said in a suitable tone. "Yes, what is the appointment for?" She asked. "Mental Health." I replied sadly. "Ok are you free on the 21st?" She asked me. "Yes that would be perfect." I replied with a sigh. "Alright I'll see you and (Y/N) soon." She said happily. We said our goodbyes and ended our conversation. I heard the door open and saw (Y/N). I ran to her and hugged her tightly. "What's this for?" She asked laughing. "Cause I love you." I said with a cheesy grin. "Pssh whatever Urie." She muffled against my shirt. I looked at her with a pouty lip. "Ok ok I love you too." She said happily. "I'm hungry let's eat breakfast." She said like a 5 year old which was adorable. "Ok let's go." I said in the same tone. I quickly made breakfast and ate in peace. I quickly told her about the appointment and she seemed kind of upset still. So I pulled myself closer to her and kissed her. We kissed for a while. It was a very loving kiss. Once we broke apart she smiled and she placed her forehead on mine. "Are you psychic or something." She asked giggling. "No but I have X-ray vision and I enjoy every second of it." I said then looked down at her boobs smiling widely. "Shut up." She said then shoved me lightly. 'She's gonna be fine..'

(A/n: hey guys i just wanna say thank you for 3k u guys are amazing and sorry for not updating often anyways ly guys have an amazing day or night😊✨ )

I love the things you hate about yourself (Brendon Urie X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now