The scenery is so loud...

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-(Y/N)'s P.O.V-

Brendon drove us home as I gripped his nice and thick thighs. I turned on the radio and 'Fluorescent Adolescent' started playing. I started humming until the chorus came on by then I was singing the lyrics pretty loudly. "You used to get it in your fishnet now your only get it in your night dress." I sang as I danced to myself. Brendon started smiling and laughing at me. "Why are you laughing?" I asked still dancing to the song. "Cause your adorable." He said and started to laugh even more. "I'm not adorable I'm hardcore." I said as I folded my arms and let out a frustrated huff. I started laughing as well. We soon pulled up to the driveway. "Hey (Y/N) do you trust me?" He said with a devilish smirk on his face. Not gonna lie that look he was giving me turned me on. "Yeah of course." I said as I bit my lip. We both got out of the car and Brendon unlocked the house for us to go in. As soon as I walked in Brendon pinned me to the wall and started nipping at my neck. "Ugh Bren." I moaned. He picked me up and walked down the hall to his room. He gently placed me down on his bed. "Babe are you sure you wanna do this?" Brendon asked me worried. "I'm fine Bren." I said and reconnected our lips. He bit my lips hungrily. I took off my shirt and threw it across the room. Brendon sucked on my skin leaving bruises. He unlatched my bra and threw it aside. He kept trailing down my body leaving even bigger bruises. I let out a soft moan. "Let it out babe." He said. Brendon continued as I moaned curse words and his name out loudly. He took his shirt off and tossed it aside. I took off my pants and he did the same. We were only left in our underwear. Brendon gave me a worried look as I nodded reassuringly. He slowly took off my panties then he started to lick in all the right places. "Fuck Bren." I moaned. Brendon gave me a smirk as he continued. He kept going but faster. I finally got hit with waves of pleasure. Creeping down my spine making me arch my back. Brendon took his last lick and showed me his tongue. He slowly swallowed whatever drop of cum that was in his mouth. I moaned but tried to hide it. That made him want more. He got on top of me and started kissing me passionately. I started to paw on his boxers. He stood up for a second and took off his blue boxer briefs. My jaw dropped to see his massive boner. I whimpered looking at it. He smiled manically as he slowly approached me. Brendon tapped my legs so that I could spread them even more. He slowly inserted it. "Fuck." I moaned noisily. "I'm not hurting you right?" Brendon asked sweetly. I shook my head and he continued. He started off slowly but got faster with every thrust. He was gripping my waist as I held onto the sheets as if my life depended on it. "Oh god." I cried out. His thrust began to feel sloppy. "Bren I-I'm about to-" I got cut off. "Hold it I'm almost there." He said grunting. "Now." He told me as I felt every inch of my body cover in goosebumps. Waves of pleasure kept hitting me until he pulled it out. He collapsed on the bed tiredly. "I love you Bren." I said smiling. He returned that smile and said "I love you too." He gently wrapped his arm around my waist as he fell asleep. I traced his beautiful tattoos until I drifted off into slumber.

(A/n: um sorry if ur like 5 and read this. It was probably really bad idk. Anyways soz 4 not posting enough I will try to post as much as I can.)

I love the things you hate about yourself (Brendon Urie X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now