Tears stain my face...

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(A/n: hey guys i hope i didnt scare u off from the last chapter but yeah XD)

-(Y/N)'s P.O.V-

"I couldn't let you die." Dallon said sternly. It was pretty clear that he's scared under those glossy ice blue eyes. "I'm done with the world. I don't even care where I end up I'm just done with the way people are treating me. They think that it doesn't hurt but it does. I have extremely severe anxiety and depression. I had a miscarriage. My boyfriend cheated on me then hit me for not wanting to fuck him while he's drunk." I said as my vision became blurry from the steamy tears. "Why can't I have a normal life?" I say sobbing and making my way slowly to the floor. Dallon rushes over to me and tries to calm me down. "Hey it's going to be alright. The world is just fucked up like that. I'm sorry to say it but it's the truth." Dallon says as he hugs me. It's not the same. It's not the same as how Brendon does it. I hate to admit it but, I miss him. "Hey how about we go to my place and talk this out." He said looking down at me with an amazing smile that defines the cheekbones and dimples he has. "Ok." I said blankly. I hopped on the passenger seat of Dallon's White Ferrari. Most of the ride was silent. We had a bit of small talk like what our favorite color was and stuff like that but not much. We shortly arrived at Dallon's house. I walked out of the car as soon as it was parked. Dallon came out a second later then went to open the door. As soon as I walked in there was a beautiful lady laying on the couch watching TV. "Hey Dally..who's this?" She said still beaming a smile. If this happened to me I would've been spitting poison at him by now. I'm the type of human being that assumes and gets jealous easily. I would blame it on me but most of it came from what people have done to me and that's why I have trust issues. "This is..I didn't catch your name." He says and turns to me waiting for me to answer his question. "It's (Y/N)." I said grinning at the woman with gorgeous long brunette hair. "Hi I'm Breezy." She said pulling out her hand to shake. I gladly shake back. "So why is she here?" Breezy says turning over to Dallon. "She had a lit-" Dallon said but I cut him off. I didn't want him to hide the fact I almost jumped. "I almost jumped off the bridge to take my own life but Dallon did his best to get me off the rail." I said sighing as I recollect what happened only in the past 20 minutes. "Oh my god I'm so sorry to hear that do you wanna talk about it." Breezy said with sympathy filling her eyes. "I was gonna talk to Dallon but I guess telling two people won't hurt." I said faking a smile. After that we all agreed to sit down and have a cup of coffee. "So you're the (Y/N)?" Dallon said giving me a questioning look. "What do you mean by: the (Y/N)?" I asked puzzled. "Ok let me rephrase that 'do you know Brendon Urie by any chance'. " Dallon said pouring the three cups of coffee then gently setting them onto the black marbled counter top. "Y-yeah I do I u-used to d-date him." I said stuttering. The phrase 'used to' is something that I don't like in that sort of sentence. "Wait what did he do to you?" Breezy asked sympathy still clouding her eyes. "Well, Brendon went out with his friends and he didn't come home til around 2. Once he came home he was drunk as hell (oml that was the 666th word xD). I asked him what he did. He said 'I fucked the shit out of this fine ass girl'. Then he wanted fuck me. I tried to struggle out of his grip but he just slapped me. Then I drove off to a bridge and tried to jump." I said as tears fled my eyes. I was immediately embraced by Breezy and Dallon. "(Y/N) I'm so sorry for what happened I'll talk to Brendon then slap the shit out of him because of what he did to you..I promise." Dallon said muffled in my shirt. "You don't have to do that Dallon." I said reassuringly. "I have to and I will." He said sniffling. 'Why is he so sad about this..no one really cares about me.' I thought. "Dallon I think we should let her stay here until she's ready." Breezy said as she looked up at Dallon's saddened face. "Is that ok with you (Y/N)?" Dallon asked. "Yeah" I said. They led me to the guest room as they smiled with pity written all over their faces. They said their goodnights and headed out. I looked at the fluffy matress that was covered with fresh queen-sized sheets. I collapses on the bed. 'Everyone's so pitiful around me..that's the only expression I see when I tell people my stories.' I silenty let my tears fall down and drip onto the flower-scented pillow. I slowly fell to sleep as tears stained my face.

(A/n: holy schnitzel that was a long chapter..anyways hoped you enjoy and hint hint nudge nudge might make a story for Josh and Nataly...maybe still deciding should I do it or not idek halp meh😂.)

I love the things you hate about yourself (Brendon Urie X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now