Life isn't worth it anymore...

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-Time skip about a week-

-(Y/N)'s P.O.V-

It's been a week since I had that panic attack. The day after I went to the doctors and they said I had extremely severe anxiety, depression, and stress. The only two solutions were to either take more medication or see a therapist. I chose to see a therapist because the pills only make it worse. Brendon has been super helpful and loving ever since that day. But I have this feeling that something might go wrong. I don't know what it is but it feels like it. "(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Brendon said in an uneasy tone. I think I was drowning in my thoughts again. "Yeah it kinda looked like you were in a trance." Josh said as he cuddled up next to Nataly. They decided to stay here for a couple of more weeks because of my "problem". I really didn't mind though. "Oh no I'm okay just...thinking." I said as I nod my head in reassurance. "Alright." Brendon said sighing a bit. He came over to kiss my forehead then my lips. It was kind of a pity kiss. Nothing that I'm not already used to. "Are you sure it's ok for me to hang with the guys?" He asked for the hundredth time. "Of course it is have some fun." I say as I lightly punch his arm. "And you two love birds should go somewhere too it's been forever since you guys went on a date." I say trying my best to beam a smile. "Are you sure (Y/N) we don't want you to feel alone or anything." Nataly says muffling against Josh's shirt. "I'm okay you guys have fun I'll just be here catching up on AHS." I said finally cracking a smile. "Okay as long as you're safe." Brendon says kissing my forehead once more. They all got ready to go out. They said they're final goodbyes and headed out. I sighed and lean back on the couch and flicked on more AHS.

-Time skip to 2:00 a.m.-

-(Y/N)'s P.O.V-

It's now 2:15 in the morning and no one has come back yet. Nataly and Josh are probably getting it in some motel. But Brendon..I'm starting to get worried. All the unhealthy thoughts flicker in my head. I decided to call him. After three rings he finally answered. "Hello?" He says groggy.  "Hey babe it's (Y/N) I was just checking up on y-" Before I could've finish what I was going to say the door flew open as I saw my super drunk boyfriend coming in. "Honneeyyy I'm hoome." He said his words were very slurred. "Hey where were you? You had me really worried." I say kind of irritated. "What does that fucking matter to you?" He said trying his best to look serious. "It matters because I care about you and I get easily worried." I say rolling my eyes. I knew this was a waste of time. He's not even going to remember this conversation because he's so drunk off his ass. "That is total bullshit (Y/N) you don't fucking care 'bout me you care 'bout your horny ass self." He said trying to stand up straight. At this point I wasn't taking anymore of his shit. "First off I'm not fucking horny and you're just drunk off your fucking ass so how would you know. Secondly, what the hell did you do tonight." I say screaming a bit. "You know what I did...I fucked the shit out of this fine ass girl. And I'm planning to go for round two with the girl I'm talking to right now." He whispered. Then he picked me up and slammed me onto the bed. "No Get Off Of Me." I say trying to fight back. He slaps me leaving a stinging sensation on my right cheek. "We're gonna fuck whether you like it or not." He yelled at me. I was at the verge of tears but I sucked it up and got up. I ran out of the grabbed my keys and left. My last thought was 'if he loved me he wouldn't have done this'. I should've never fallen for him. I knew he was going to do this. But I didn't fucking listen. I drove to the nearest bridge. I left my keys in the car. I slowly make my way to the rail of the bridge. I looked down on the flowing river. I stood up on the rail and as I was about to jump someone grabbed me. "Woah what the fuck! Let me go!" I said fighting to get out of this person's grip. "Hey calm down!" Someone yelled as they struggled to keep me tight. I finally get out of his grip to see Dallon with a frightened  look on his face. "Why the fuck did you stop me?" I said sobbing. Life wasn't worth it anymore.

(A/n: uh so that happened...
Anyways I took the depression anxiety and stress test and got this

Anyways I took the depression anxiety and stress test and got this

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So yea kinda based the first part out of that. Anyways hoped you guys enjoyed it cause I sure did.😂💖)

I love the things you hate about yourself (Brendon Urie X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now