Every love...

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-Brendon's P.O.V-

I quickly drove to the my local florist. I chose an empty parking space and pulled up to the front of the store. I felt my phone buzz at least 3 times. I checked my phone and saw a random number.

(Unknown: Hey Brendon it's (Y/N))
(Unknown: Josh gave me ur number.)
(Unknown: I just wanted to say thank you...Nataly and I are gonna go to the spa and to the mall see ya soon 😊.)

I felt my lips curl up into a smile. I put her contact as 'my one and only💕' then texted her back. It was pretty much the hardest thing to not give out the surprise. I texted her back:

(Brendon: Alright be safe..oh and dress nice for tonight ily babe💕 )

((Y/N): Ok I love you more💜)

(Brendon: I doubt that 😉 ily have fun❤)

I got out of my car and walked into the tiny flower shop. "Hello Brendon it's been a while." The old florist beamed her smile at me. "How are you Mabel?" I said smiling back at her. "Good how is Sarah?" She said still smiling. I didn't blame her for not knowing Sarah cheated on me..I haven't seen her since the last time I bought flowers. (Which is when Sarah and I were still together.) "I think she's good. But we cut it off earlier this year." I said...pretty blankly. Sarah was nothing to me anymore...just a memory. "Oh honey I'm so sorry to hear that. I know what'll cheer you up." She says while walking to the shop's small break room. She came out with a plate of chocolate chip cookies that were still hot. "Here ya go take some." She said passing the plate to me. I gladly took 2 or 5....I didn't eat breakfast yet so I'm pretty hungry. "Thank you Mabel...can you help me pick out some flowers for my girlfriend." I said with a mouthful of cookies. "Of course dear. I mean it is my job. Come along." She said chuckling a bit. I followed her to the back of the store. To my surprise there was dozens of bouquets of different flowers. "Now what's the girl like?" She said while watering one of the bouquets. "Well I've kown her since high school...she was the popular girl." I said while trying to imagine her in my head. 'Damn even in my head she's gorgeous.' "Alright I mean like what's her personality. What is she like?" She said laughing. "Well she's just.....stunning. And I'm talking about without makeup but with it she's just ugh the most flawless princess ever. The first time I met her I was blown away. Then there's her personality. She's the sweetest person I've ever met. She's dainty, kind, has a big heart. She's also very smart...smarter than I'll ever be. And she's just the most warm hearted person ever." I said smiling. All the things I say may sound like lies but what I just said was the truth. "You must really love her huh?" She said sighing. "Of course I love her." I said. I felt my heart starting to feel fuzzy as I just thought about (Y/N). Amazing how I can feel this way about her. "Alright..here these will be perfect." She said as she handed me a bouquet of black and white roses. "Why these?" I said puzzled. "Well she sounds like a very happy soul with a bad life. It shows the light or the white roses taking life head on which are the black roses..Remember Brendon every flower has a story like every love." She says beaming her smile. "Thank you Mabel..here's the money" I said while handing her a 20 dollar bill. "Thanks Brendon now go make your girl happy." She said while patting my back. "No thank you Mabel." I said as I left the store. She was right every flower has a story just like every love.

(A/n: hey guys thank you guys so much for reaching 500+ views. There's more to come with the story so stay tuned.💕)

I love the things you hate about yourself (Brendon Urie X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now