Act 1

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"I'm Nakahara Shirayuki, please to be in your care"

My long light blonde hair fall down passed to my knees as I bowed down 90 degrees. Once I stood back, I tucked my hair behind my ears and smiled, even though my eyes were looking straight to Haruna, who was sitting in the front row, I could see the expressions from my new classmates; I could say, ahh annoying.

"I can't tell if she's faking it or not" I heard the black haired cousin mumbling beside the flame hair. So they are my classmates. "I'm so curious" It couldn't be helped, I have a good hearing

I looked at flame hair as he looked at his cousin and I was surprised when he turned his eyes towards me. He knew that I was looking at him. I didn't avert my eyes, and he also didn't, until the teacher talked again.

"She is from Canada so be sure to be good to her. As for your seat, you can sit behind Akashi, ah, Akashi Shuichi-kun."

"Sensei, did you forget that Meijin Sawa sits here? The seat behind Seijurou is free" He informed us as he pointed the seat behind flame hair, third row beside the window. Hmmm, so Akashi Seijurou, and Akashi Shuichi.

The teacher told me to sit there, and I couldn't help but smile, to hide this mix-up emotions inside me.


During the morning class, I couldn't take my eyes off from the hair of this guy in front of me. I'm bad with red. I really love red, probably that's why I thought that I saw him before.

"Nakahara-san, so you are from Canada?!" It was lunch time and people flocked around me once I finished my lunch. Haruna left since the teacher needed her

I nodded in response, gazing away outside the window. I wanted to have new friends, but their tone, their voice, the way their eyes moved, they were all fake, and they were bunch of prententious people.

"Neh" I stopped their loud annoying voice then tilted my head and curiously looked at them "What are you guys trying to do?"

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"Your voices don't sound like you like to be friends with me. Are you desperate with something else?" I asked innocently but everyone in the room looked at me, except flame hair guy. However I knew his conscious was on our conversation, since I could see his hand stop moving from writing. "You are not here to become my friends. Are you trying to show off how nice you are? For sure it's not for me, I wonder to whom?" I smiled and I could totally see their eyes glimpsing to this guy in front of me. Ah, I see. They were trying to pretend a goody-kids in front of him.

Silence covered them, but not long after, some girls and boys retreated and left. Some stayed and felt hurt to my words

"We're being nice here-"

"At this moment, you are not" I interrupted them "Since your faces twitched when I was introducing myself. Guys blushed, girls got mad. But don't worry not everyone in the class, since some really don't even give a damn care" I chuckled and smiled sweetly to them "I am not here for fake friendships, with sweet lies and kind masks. I don't give a damn if you are a bitch, as long as you are showing your true self. But now, no one shows their true selves, since each of you are showing off to be a good person. I'll be glad to be your friend if you show your true nature"

"Shirayuki, you really don't change at all"

"Haruna, you are back." I excitedly waved at her

"Yeah, and I'll say it again that you really don't change at all. What the heck are you doing? Sensei wants you to go to the office." Haruna informed me then glimpsed towards flame hair. Haruna too, she seemed mesmerized by this guy "She also said that you needed to see the student council president after school to decide which club are you going to enter."

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