Act 58

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"Indeed I did that, but they don't have concrete evidence with what they are accusing me" Ivan shouted inside the interrogating room "also! I am a minor! You can't do this to me!"

"And you are positive with drugs." The police followed "you captivated one student, and faked your medical result to enter Japan. Your guardians were notified already before it happened, and they are on their way here."

"You should put my ex-girlfriend to rehab then. She is making stories that she is looking for her dad making others pity her. She's making up lots of stories" Ivan smirked

"You sure know that her father is currently watching you from the other room" the police informed him, resulting for him to back out "you are brave enough to point fingers but you are doing it. She is the daughter of one of the biggest business group in Japan and you dare say that and even do that. Also, the accusations against you-" but before the police finished it, the door opened and Ivan's guardian hastily ran towards him. It was his auntie.

"How dare you do this to my nephew?! I will file a case against you!" She shouted and the police sighed

An interepreter arrived in the room and the police told the interpreter to tell her what Ivan did

"Those were all lies! She just made it up! I told you not to go out with her! See what she is doing to you! She always make stories that girl!"

"I think I have heard enough" Yahiko entered the room and smiled at them "my apologies, I am Meijin Yahiko, Shirayuki's father. She mentioned that she was looking for me, and she really did."

"What? Are you part of this farce? Trying to pretend as her father"

"Before you speak those words, better watch that kid first. He is only 17, and-" Yahiko asked one of the police and he entered with a laptop and played the contents of the usb "and I believe that we couldn't fake these videos. We have enough evidence for the charges file against him. And since you come all the way from Canada, we will be giving this usb back to you, but it will be sent first to Canadian police for further investigation."

"Normally, you should be detained here in Japan, but Akashi group and Meijin group requested to send you back to Canada and face the punishment there. And you are also banned in entering Japan" The interpreter told Ivan as what the police said

"You will be sent back to Canada now, and will face the charges there." Yahiko chuckled "your punishment for doing such actions towards my daughter."

Ivan's guardian couldn't retort anymore as she saw the videos, and also she saw the videos posted by some Rakuzan students, showing what he did to Shirayuki.

In the end, Ivan was sent to back to Canada with his guardian, and with his two hands cuffed.

~in Rakuzan~

Akashi received the news from Yahiko that afternoon, and just planned to tell Shirayuki after the retirement game

That lunch, Shirayuki ate with Haruna, Anri and Nana. Yoshiyuki really called Harry, and let him eat lunch with him, Shuichi and Banri, and Yoshiyuki kept on telling them not to mind what happened since it ended already. The other three exchange students also met with the student Akashi mentioned, who would be bringing the three to the event they wanted to go.

And after class, Shirayuki hurriedly headed to the gym and helped with setting up the retirement game of the third years.

Shirayuki stood along with the managers, while setting up the video camera.

"But I wonder who will win?" Kaoru asked in excitement

"The others are here to watch too" Hayase laughed then tapped Mika "Snow is also here"

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