Act 40

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After changing, we headed to the hospital and Nanase-san went hysterical.

"Shirayuki, as your doctor and mom's friend, I ban you to walk for a week! See what happened?! Good thing it's not as worst as before!"

"It couldn't be helped. I was running away from those guys who wanted to confess to me, I mean, Yoshi was pulling me to run away from them" I explained and she again sighed loudly

"I remember your mom. She also ran away from the people trying to confess to her." A man entered, and as I remember this man was also there during Akashi family's party. Eeto... what was his name again? The man I thought that mom's lover before. He was the husband of the one of the woman who was caught too... anyways, he was also a friend of mom.

"What are you doing here senpai? You supposed to come here tomorrow" Nanase-san asked as she put on the bandage on my foot

"I heard your loud voice from the hallway then saw Elaine's daughter. And even Seijuro-kun is also here" He looked at me then smiled "I am Takahiro Gou, the captain of the basketball team when your mom was the manager and also I was your mom's senpai."

"Ah, I'm Shirayuki. Uhm... about what you said? Mom also ran away?"

"Ah, Yeah, when she was in 1st year, she ran away with me, but sensei found us. That time they weren't going out yet and I still didn't know that something was going on. But when she was in 2nd year, they were already going out so we again ran away, but I left her with sensei" he explained and handed a paper to Sensei "the one you asked"

"Gou-san, how was it since then?" Akashi asked out of nowhere

"Ah, I am doing good. But actually, I am divorcing her, so I am quite busy." He responded but Nanase-san again return to the previous topic about mom

"Senpai, how did you know that sensei and Elaine were going out? I really had no idea that it was him!" even I was curious about it

"During 2nd year training camp in the villa of Akashi's. The other members didn't notice it, but the two were hiding behind the rock there." Somehow... that story seemed very familiar  "I also confirmed it with her the next day. And so I became the bait, and the others think we were going out"

"Uhm..." I looked at him and somehow nervous "do you know how my parents met?"

"Shouldn't you asked them instead?" He asked back, but I couldn't response. Like, mom didn't even tell me who was dad in the first place. And I had no courage to ask dad. I hadn't had a proper conversation with him "Well, I actually didn't know how, but all I know was, the two of them met during winter in England, and as I remember when your mom was I think 14 years old. Your mom told me that. Though, I didn't have any idea on when those two started going out and how, but it would be after sports festival when she was in first year."

"Hmmm, but it was surely winter when she was in first year especially when it was snowing" Akashi responded and we all looked at him questionably "your name and Yoshiyuki's. I saw Yoshiyuki's birth certificate before, and the Yuki on your name are written as snow, am I right?"

"Yeah, but then, on just that? How can you conclude that it was snowing nor during winter?" Though I asked him that, I realized what he meant. My parents started going out when mom was still first year and dad was her teacher. They started going out while mom was still first year, and if what Gou-san said that they were already dating during 2nd year, then it make sense that they started going out around winter time. Then... something happened to them around the end of mom's 2nd year, since Yoshi and I were born in the middle of December.

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