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Me and Jade head to class, only to be greeted with chaos.
Feferi brought her pet fish to school, and was fighting with the teacher on whether she should be allowed to carry it with her or not.

Vriska was terrorising poor Tavros, and Gamzee was dancing around and making everyone else uncomfortable.

Me and Jade make our way around the chaos, and take our seats.

Feferi went to take her fish home, and the rest of us had finally settled down.
Poor Tavros looked like he was going to cry. Vriska keeps making fun of him, but he has a huge crush on her.

~Skipping to the end of class~

I was having a bit of a problem right now. I forgot to study for a test and had to guess almost every answer. I'm going to fail, and the teacher will be disappointed, Jade will be disappointed, heck, even my dog will probably be disappointed!

"Okay. I'm probably overreacting. Everything will be fine." I tell myself.

But I had always grown up with parents that got upset if I got a B, so I'm always afraid when I don't study for a test.

I head to the lunch room, and take a seat.
Hey, where did Jade go? Crap! I left without her.

I sit for a little while, hoping my friend would show up.
Suddenly, I hear another voice behind me instead.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Why are you all by yourself?" John says, sitting down next to me at the table.

"Oh hello, John. I'm just waiting for Jade, I accidentally left without her after class. She'll be here soon, I'm sure." You say calmly.

"Yeesh. She won't be too happy with you, will she? Well, I'm going to go, I think I see her now. Bye, (Y/N)!"

Oh, great. Just what I need, an angry friend while I'm already freaking out.

(Okay, fourth chapter! I know it's probably boring so far but I'm waiting for a good time for you and Karkat to properly meet, just be patient!!)

Crabby Karkat (Karkat X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now