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               YOUR POV

"Feferi, what's wrong!?" You ask, confused as to why Feferi is splashing around in the river frantically.

"King Bubbles! He fell in the river, and I can't find him!" She was crying now.

"Isn't king bubbles the name of your fish? The one you keep bringing to school?" Jade asks.

"Yes, and I need you to help me find him!" Her face is red and there's tears streaming down her face. She really cares about her fish, that much is obvious.

I take the lead here, I can't let Feferi lose the thing she cares about most. "Jade, you and Feferi look over there, and try to keep her calm. Karkat, we'll come look over here. Come on!"

Karkat and I race along the edge of the river, frantically searching for King Bubbles.

"There!" Karkat shouts, "I see him!"

Me and Karkat jump into the river, chasing after the tiny green fish. Feferi and Jade are close behind us.

Suddenly, Karkat and I both trip over a rock and I land right on top of him, with our noses almost touching.

We lock eyes, and I can feel my face going bright red. He's blushing, as well.
"Er, sorry." I mutter, trying to get off of him.

Meanwhile, Feferi has gotten her precious fish back into his bowl and is sitting on the ground, trying to catch her breath.
Jade is looking and me and Karkat, as we both sit there, wet and blushing.

She glares at me, and I give her a look that tells her to shut up and stop having such a bad imagination.

All four of us stumble into the school and are immediately shouted at by a teacher for being soaking wet.


As soon as we get to the principals office, the principal tells us to head home and dry off. And that Feferi isn't allowed to take her fish to school anymore.

"Yes, Mr. Hussie." We all say, embarrassed but happy that we got to go back home.

(Okay, new chapter! I hope you enjoyed, but nothing really happened. This was mostly filler until i think of something really exciting. Hope you enjoyed!)

Crabby Karkat (Karkat X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now