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               KARKATS POV

I head to class, watching as (Y/N) walks to her own class. I'm glad I kissed her, I really like her.

I manage to get through the lesson, regardless of being asked why I have a black eye every two minutes. As soon as it's lunch time, I quickly go to find (Y/N), she wants me to stay with her, Jade, and Sollux, to avoid anything happening.

As I get to the lunch room, I see a panicked Terezi.

"Terezi, what's wrong!?" I ask.
"I can hear a bunch of teachers shouting from over there. I think I hear Sollux, too." She replies.

I quickly rush over to where Terezi pointed, and she was right. There's about six teachers holding Sollux back. Then, I see Dave on the ground, laying down and bleeding. What did Sollux do!?

I run over and push past the crowd of teachers and students surrounding the commotion. Then, I feel a hand hold me back. I turn and see (Y/N), trying to keep me from going any closer.
"Stay here, Sollux will be even more upset if he sees you." She says, pulling me over to her.

Suddenly, Sollux starts kicking Dave, since he can't get his hands free.
"THATS FOR HURTING MY FRIEND, YOU IDIOT!" He shouts, still trying to get out of the teachers grip.

Dave is laying there, I think hes unconscious. Sollux kicks him in the head twice, then finally stops and starts trying to catch his breath. All the students, including Terezi and (Y/N), look terrified. Sollux shouldn't have done that.

I ignore (Y/N) trying to hold me back, and I push past everyone. I head over to Sollux, and try to calm him down.

"Sollux, why would you do that!?" I ask. I know Dave probably deserved some of that, but it wasn't worth what Sollux was going to get as punishment.

"Karkat, move. Sollux, you're coming to the principal's office with me. Now." One of the teachers says. 

             ~After school~

(Y/N) is walking with me, but we don't say anything. After what happened, there's not much to talk about. Sollux was suspended for a while, but he refused to say how long.

Suddenly, (Y/N) speaks up.
"Karkat, would you go that far to protect me?" She asks. It's so quiet, I barely hear her.

I have to take a moment to think about that. Would I? Sollux went way too far, but I don't know if I would go that far for her. I would definitely protect her. But to knock out another student, one who was just upset over being rejected? I dont know.

"I think I would. But it depends on the situation." I say. She hugs me, then whispers "I would do it for you."

She waves as I go inside my house, then starts walking to her home. I can't wait to see her tomorrow.

Crabby Karkat (Karkat X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now