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              KARKATS POV

             ~The next day~

I wake up fully rested, which is new. Usually I spend forever trying to drag myself out of bed. What time is it?

I quickly throw on a random outfit, grab a snack, and run to school like my life depends on it.

There, I see that the front of the school is completely empty, everyone must be in class.

Oh, no. I slowly walk into the school, and head to the office.

The lady sitting in the office chair is sitting there, and she glares at me. I still don't know why she hates me.
"Karkat, you've been late too often lately. Go and see the principal." She says, frowning.

Crap. I really don't want detention. At our school, they were really strict when it comes to being on time. And I had been late eight times this month.

Once I arrive at the principal's office, Mr. Husske Asks
"So, what did you do this time, Karkat?"

"I was late again." I mumble. I really hope I don't get detention.
"Well, Karkat. You know what that means." He sighs.

"Detention?" I ask.
"Yep." He replies. I swear I see the ghost of a smile on his face, he's such a jerk sometimes.

Every time I get detention, they give me so much work I have to take some home. And I really can't sit still long enough to do Homework.
Oh well, better go get started, I guess.

              ~After school~

(Y/N) was walking home with me, and I explained how I had so much homework.

"But I'm really not good at this. I'm going to spend forever trying to finish it." I groan.

"I'll help you!" She smiles.
"I wouldn't want to make you do all of that work by yourself, and I'm not doing anything else today. Is it okay if I come and help you?" She asks cheerfully.

"Please!? I would love some help!" I say. I would really enjoy spending the rest of the day with (Y/N).

"Well, come on! You're house is right there!" She grabs my hand and starts pulling me over to my house.

When we get inside, we put our stuff down and immediately start working on a paper.
"Now, let's start here." She says, pointing at one of the question. She sounds like a teacher.

          ~One hour later~

"Now, Karkat, look. You're doing it wrong." She takes the pencil out of my hand and starts writing things down.

I wasn't paying attention. I was looking at her. She was playing with her (H/C) hair while she wrote, and her eyes were sparkling.

"Karkat, are you listening? It's no wonder you never get your homework done!" She smiles.

"Oh! Yeah, uh, sorry. I'm not very good at listening." Crap, I still have no clue what I'm doing.

"Well, obviously you aren't. Quit looking at me and work!" She shoves the pencil in my hand and points at a question.

(I keep forgetting this story isnt real and I almost went to go text Karkat until I remembered hes not real ;-; )

Crabby Karkat (Karkat X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now