When the boy climbed up into the treehouse, I peeked through a tiny hole in the roof to see what he was doing. First, he sat down and caught his breath from his sprint to the treehouse. Then he peeked out the window to see if anyone was coming. When he saw that the noise that startled him was nothing to worry about, he relaxed and looked around the treehouse with a look of some form of awe. He looked vaguely familiar, probably a student at my school that I have seen before. It is a pretty big school, so I have never really gotten to know anyone personally.
The boy let down his hood as he looked around the treehouse. This action showed his jet black hair with a tuft of bright red in the middle. This did not surprise me because some people at school dye their hair just to piss off their parents.
My hair however, only looks like it has been dyed bright green in the middle. It is actually naturally like that, and has been since my eighth birthday when I found the first green hair on my head. This is just another reason why people pick on me for being different. No one has ever explained to me why I'm different, they just pick on me for it.The boy has been looking around the treehouse walls at all of Sam's and my posters and magazine clippings. Every once in a while he would reach up and feel the poster or paper, just looking more closely. I was getting a bit uncomfortable with how long he was staying, so I planned to just use the emergency escape rope down to the ground if he didn't leave soon.
The last thing he was looking at was the collage. He picked it up and smiled as he looked at the pictures.
I was getting tired of just sitting on the roof, so I decided I may as well just use the rope down. I grabbed hold of the rope and started making my way down. About four feet from the ground, the rope snapped really loudly and I fell the rest of the way down, letting out a loud "OOF" as I made contact with the ground. I think he heard me because I heard him running to the side window. I just readjusted my hoodie over my head and ran off.

Good and Evil
FantasyAfter a tragic event leaving Jack without a family or his best friend, he seeks to find answers. What will he find to be true about his past? What will end up being false? "With great power comes great responsibility" Not all the characters in this...