A Week Later

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The picture is not exactly what happens, but it's close enough.

Mark's POV
I've been training for becoming a warrior for about a week. However, the weird thing is that I don't remember much before becoming a warrior. I feel like there is someone missing from this place, but I just can't remember who. Today I have off from training, so I'm just exploring the place I'm at, investigating. After walking down the hall for a while, I notice a big door that had a sign saying "Lab" on it. I look in through the small window and see a weird green and blue light illuminating the walls. Curiosity got the best of me and I opened the door. I walked in slowly, looking for other people in the room. Thankfully there was no one inside to catch me and I kept on investigating. Along two of the walls there were several floor-to-ceiling height cylinders. Some were open, some closed but empty, one filled with a clear liquid, and one filled with a green liquid. The last was the largest and the most surprising. It was filled with the same green liquid as the last one, but it had a boy incarcerated in it with wires and tubes coming out of his mouth an nose for air and food. The boy looked hurt, making me extremely sympathetic for him. His skin was pale and his hair was brown on the sides with neon green on the top. The boy's veins popped out of his skin, making him look slightly spooky.
Suddenly, he shot his eyes open, scaring the absolute crap out of me. Then he banged on the glass, causing me to fall back onto the floor. His eyes were an unforgettable blue. I saw them every night in my sleep, but I could never place who they were from. The boy looked sad for making me fall and somehow knew my name. He looked straight at me and mouthed "Mark, I'm so sorry"
Then it all came back. Seeing the little 6 year old boy in Sam's treehouse, crying, only seeing him once in a while at school for the next several years. He always had bruises because of the bullies. I remembered him running away from the orphanage and going back to Sam's treehouse where I found him desperately so that he could save my family. Him saving Jessie and us all barely making it away alive. I remembered how nice he was, how sad his life story is, and how much I am glad that he is in my life. I remember finding this place and Jack sacrificing himself to save my sister and sacrificing himself again to save the rest of us. He is incredible.
"Jack?" I said, finally remembering. He nodded and I wanted to hug him for ever, but he was incarcerated. I need to find a way to save him. Especially because I get the feeling he is not in there for his own safety.
I walk over to the table on the other side I the room and rummage through the random papers. There were tables and charts, papers full of research, pictures, and all sorts of other things. I picked up and opened a binder that was off to the side. There was even more information, but this was all about inventions that Fall has created. There were gadgets and gizmos (A/n do ya get it😉) and all sorts of devices. The last page showed a blueprint type picture of what looked like the same cylinder Jack is trapped in. I start reading through the information about how it works, how to make it, and what the health risks for whomever is trapped inside. Then I read the overall description of it. It read, "This incarceration tube can be nursed for slowly and excruciatingly taking the septic from one's body. Good use for torture." That was all I could read before gagging, so I closed the binder and turned back to face Jack. He looked concerned. I'll save you...

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