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After walking for what felt like forever, the group finally saw a town on the horizon.
"Wow." Mark said to himself.
"What?" Jack asked.
"Well, he have been like prisoners in that place for like, weeks. It felt like we would never get out. But here we are."
"We finally get to eat real food now!" Dark added enthusiastically.
The group laughed as they kept walking.
"Hey, is that a restaurant?" Jessie questioned as they all walked closer.
"Last one there has to pay!" Jack yelled as he sprinted toward the building. Mark was the next to get his adrenaline pumping and try to race Jack. Next came Jessie and Peach, both too tired to run, so they jogged.
"Do you want me to pay?" Dark asked.
"Nah," Sam replied. "I've got it." With that, dark started running toward the others, followed closely by Sam.

When Jack came up to the building, he literally jumped for joy, announcing his victory. Suddenly, Mark came and accidentally knocked Jack over into the grass. They both laughed hysterically as they laid on the ground. Next came Jessie, all out of breath. Then Dark and Peach who were pretty much tied. Finally came Sam.
"Oh no, oh gee, I guess I'll have to pay" she said sarcastically. Walking to the door of the restaurant and holding open for the rest of them.
The building burst into clapping when the group entered, congratulating them on their victory.
"Wait a second. How do you even know about that?" Jack asked.
"Well, it was all on the news!" Someone who looked like the manager of the restaurant said.
"How?" The group replied.
Then a man came out of the crowd. He had dirty blonde hair that he moved out of his face. "I work for the FBI and I somehow accidentally hacked into the camera feed of that huge building you blew up. They caught everything. Even after the building was crushed, one of the cameras survived and got the whole thing." The man spoke with a foreign accent.
"So you guys know that the warriors are gone and you don't have to worry, right?" Mark asked.
"Absolutely" the man said, giving the group another round of applause.
"Wait, is that you?" Sam said from the back I the group.
"Sam?!" The man replied. Sam ran up to the man and gave him a big hug. The man put her down and saw the confusion on the group's faces. "By the way, my name is Felix and Sam is my best friend's little sister. I've known her since she was born and I raised her like a sister after her family died... But that's enough of the sad stuff, let's celebrate!"

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