Jack's POV
My eyes closed and I blacked out.
Soon, I saw what seemed like a vision or a dream or something. I saw a young girl. She was probably about 4 or 5 years old and she was standing outside a house with a cute little baby girl that looks about a year old. The older girl was helping the little one learn to walk. She would pick her up when she fell and clapped and cheered when she walked successfully.
Then it cut to about two years later. The older girl was reading a children's book to the younger one and giggling playfully when she read with her. Another cut; two more years. It is gradually apparent that the girls are sisters. The older one is helping the other ride he bicycle.
The cuts came more quickly now. The girls were about 9 and 12 years of age. The older one was helping her sister with homework.
Cut. She was helping write "Shyanne" on a name tag and put it on the younger sister.
Cut. The sound became gradually louder now. The older girl was waving to the younger named Shyanne.
"Hey my little Shenanigans!" She older girl yelled as Shyanne ran towards her sister,arms outstretched to give a hug.
Cut. The older girl was showing her sister how to swing on a Willow tree branch, eventually being joined by the younger girl.
Cut. They were older now. Probably 12 and 15. They are jumping into a river together and splashing playfully.
Cut. They are riding their bikes around, racing. The older one yells, "I bet you can't beat me, Shenanigans!"
Cut. The voice of the older girl sounds familiar, but I can't place it. She keeps repeating "Shenanigans" and "Shyanne" over and over again, sounding more and more desperate and scared with each one.
Suddenly, the vision goes dark. The time cuts are just as fast, but they are scary and sad now.
It shows the pessimist side to each cut. Shyanne as a toddler falling down and crying.
Cut. The little girl getting mad and throwing a fit.
Cut. Falling off the bicycle and getting a cut, blood dripping down her leg.
Cut. The younger one alone, getting frustrated at her homework and almost pulling her hair out, tears streaming down her face.
Cut. The little girl sick and miserable in her bed.
Cut. Shyanne falling from the tree and breaking her wrist.
Cut. Then the vision got really dark.
Shyanne is walking in the city with the older sister. They are 15 and 18 years old. They get in a fight. Shyanne storms away from the other and gets pulled into an alley way by several masked men where unspeakable things are done to her. By the time the older sister hears Shyanne's screams and finds her, she has been beaten up almost beyond recognition and one of the men is holding a gun to her head. He demands the older sister's wallet that she without hesitation gives up to save her sister. But the man heard police sirens in the distance and pulls the trigger. The screaming of "Shyanne" and the occasional "Shenanigans" becomes louder and louder until they suddenly stop and are replaced by incredibly menacing growls and screams.
The older girl gets up slowly as if she is possessed or something of the sort and begins to twitch. The vision gets randomly staticky and twitchy at points as the girl stand straight up and looks creepily forward. Her once hazel eyes have gone dark purple and she breaths out just as dark purple of a smoke. It forms into an even scarier version of what she already was. She reabsorbed her demon and looked almost how she had before. Her eyes went back to hazel and her sharp fangs retracted, but she had on an outfit like me, but dark purple and violet accents.
Cut. The girl is in a building, making inventions that looked extremely deadly...and a syrum. She uses her demon's power to locate the men that killed her sister and used her power to read their minds and see how she could ruin their lives.
Cut. She is back in the city, walking up to a building. She injects a familiar looking syrum into her arm and a dark purple and violet light overtakes her body. Little streams of light form patterns and beautiful designs over her body, eventually fading away. She throws the syringe to the side, letting it shatter and walks into the building. She walks down a hall with her dark cloak floating behind her. She put her hood up and knocked on an apartment door. A man opened the door and it was obvious a few others were inside too. She pushes the door open wider and throws in a small cylinder filled with a mysterious green gas. She swiftly closed the door and held it closed so no one inside could get out. Once she knew that the green gas had killed them all, she went inside. She walked around the room looking satisfyingly at the dead bodies.
Cut. She is standing in the middle of the room with her arms outstretched. All shades of purple start flowing up her arms and down her body. Unexpectically, a wisp of different colored smoke came from every one of the corpses except one, showing that that person did not have a demon.
Cut. The girl is in a big building, testing out the new powers she has acquired from every person she killed who had a demon and powers of their own.
Cut. The vision went black.I put the pieces together and finally got the whole picture.
That whole vision was about Fall...

Good and Evil
FantasyAfter a tragic event leaving Jack without a family or his best friend, he seeks to find answers. What will he find to be true about his past? What will end up being false? "With great power comes great responsibility" Not all the characters in this...