I took Mark's hand and he lead me out of my house and down the street.
"We need to be fully aware of any people trying to come back and finish the job." Mark said as he gestured to a house. We walk in and I immediately see a girl laying in a bed and squirming around like she is in a lot of pain.
"She breathed in some of the Antiseptic" Mark explained, "But it wasn't enough to kill her immediately"
"So how can I help?" I asked.
"Well, I read somewhere that people born with extra septic can transfer it to victims of Antiseptic. Maybe try to transfer it?" Mark said as if he was questioning himself.
I walked up to the girl on the bed and hovered both my palms above her. She suddenly stopped squirming and laid flat on her back. My hands started to tingle and my fingertips tuned green. The tingling traveled up my arm and down my torso until my whole body was enveloped in a tingling sensation. The green in my fingertips traveled to my palms and became a bright beacon of light. Suddenly, the pain of something being ripped from my skin took over my body as I started to yell and scream in the excruciating pain that I could not control. I leaned my head back in pain and my hood and hat fell from my head. I could see the room light up almost immediately in a bright green light that I presumed was coming from my hair glowing. This guess was confirmed when some of my bright glowing green hair fell in front of my face. The pain retreated from my body in a split second and I fell to the ground, weak.
I heard Mark run over to me and felt him comfort me.
"You're like the literal green lantern" he said and both of us chuckled.
It took a minute or so before I sat up and another before I finally stood. I looked down upon the girl in the bed and saw her eyes flutter open. I heard Mark gasp as she did this and he leaned Dow to give her a hug.
"Jessie!" He exclaimed and helped her sit up. I barely noticed a single strand of her hair glow a bright green and then fade away back to her natural black hair after a second.
"You saved me?" She asked, looking at me. I nodded and was soon tackled with a warm hug. She finally let go and stepped back from the hug.
A sudden and sharp knock on the door was soon followed by Mark whispering "Crap, they're back" and rushing us all upstairs. He shut the door to a bedroom quietly and tried to gather as many things as he could. He stuffed clothes in a bag and pulled out a suitcase from under the bed that had a tag on it saying "emergency bag". I assume it is food and medical supplies. Mark opened the window and threw the bags out the window onto the conveniently placed trampoline in the back yard. "When I jump, you need to be quick after me" Mark said to me and Jessie as I adjusted my hat and pulled up my hoodie.
We all heard a loud sound coming from downstairs that could have only been the sound of the front door being kicked open and slammed against the wall. All of us jumped out the window one at a time. Mark rushed us to the garage and threw the bags into the trunk of his car. We all got in, Mark and I in the front and Jessie in the back. Mark reached for the ignition and swore under his breath.
"I have to go back inside" he said.
"WHAT?!" Me and Jessie said in unison.
"I left the keys on the table" he replied.
"I'm coming with, Jessie, stay here" I commanded.
"No! You are more valuable than both of us!" Mark told me and made me sit back down.
"Fine. If you're not back in two minutes, I'm coming in to get you"
"Okay, that's fair enough" Mark said, getting out of the car.

Good and Evil
FantasyAfter a tragic event leaving Jack without a family or his best friend, he seeks to find answers. What will he find to be true about his past? What will end up being false? "With great power comes great responsibility" Not all the characters in this...