Chapter 12

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Kinda feel like this chapter sucks. I'm so sorry it took forever. I didn't have my laptop and I just didn't have the motivation to write on my brother's laptop, especially since his laptop speakers are broken and I always write while listening to music. Anyways, I got my laptop back and I'll be updating more frequently. Next chapter, things will spice up.

I feel a soft poking in my hip. I shift my position, opening my eyes.

Noah's living room.

I'm at Noah's.

I feel his warm arms around me.

"Are you sleeping over?" he asks.

His voice is rough from sleep.

I look at him. He just woke up.

"It's one in the morning."

", I don't think so." I mumble.

"Alright." He yawns.

I grab my phone off the floor, checking my messages.

I have a missed call from Mom, and a text from Dad.

I unlock my phone.

I have a voicemail. I clear the call notification and listen to the voicemail.

"Hey Brecklyn honey, I just wanted to see if you were coming home tonight. Call me back, I love you, bye."

I save it, and then check the text from Dad.

Dad: Hey kiddo, it's getting late. Are you coming home?

I know Mom is probably waiting up.

I text her.

Me: I fell asleep on his couch but I'm coming home now

Her reply is fast.

Mom: okay. Do you need a ride?

Me: no, I'm probably gonna get a cab

Mom: it's one in the morning Brecklyn. That's not safe.

Noah wraps his arms around me, peeking at my phone.

"You're not taking a cab." He mumbles. "I'll drive you."

"Noah, I survived with cabs for years."

"I don't care. It's New York City and it's really late. I'm driving you."

I sigh.

Me: nevermind, Noah's dropping me off.

Mom: Okay cool

Mom: I'll be up when you get here

Me: okay

I rub my face, sitting up.

Noah sits up too, and then stands, stretching.

"I want a jacket." I say.

"A jacket?" he asks.

"Yes. Can I borrow one?"

He frowns.

"Okay." He walks out of the room and comes back with a shirt on, his car keys, his wallet and phone, and a black nipper jacket.

It smells like him.

I pull it on, grabbing my things, and I follow him out the door.

It's chilly outside.

We drive with the radio off, and the silence is nice.

When we get to the hotel, he gets out too.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Walking you to your door." He says.

He opens the door to the hotel.

I walk in, and he follows me to the elevator.

When the doors slide shut with just us in there, he frowns.

"I don't want you to go." He says.

"You can see me tomorrow." I say.

"At the game." He says.

"Yeah." I frown.

"I want to see you before and after." He says. "I don't want to look away."

I smile, grabbing his hand.

"I'll see you during and after." I whisper. "You know I like sleeping."

He sighs, pouting. I smile, walking off on my floor.

I walk to my door, getting my card out.

He catches my hand before I slip in, leaning down, pressing his lips against mine. I shut my eyes, kissing him back. He pulls away, hugging me.

I hug back tightly.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I say, pulling away.

"Wait, are you going to give me my sweatshirt back?" he asks.

"Um, can I give it to you tomorrow?" I ask,

He shrugs.

"I guess so."

"Great." I kiss him again, say goodnight, and then slip inside.


I hid the sweatshirt in the bottom of my gym bag.

We completely won the game. The Rex Sox were pissed because the score was 14 to nothing.

We showered in the stadium and I throw on a bra, Noah's sweatshirt, and a pair of jeans.

It's in the seventies outside. It's not cold, it's comfortable.

I walk out of the locker room, and the guys are all waiting.

"Uh, are you gonna give that back to me?" Noah asks.

"Yeah, I'll give it to you tonight." I say.

He hesitates.

"Well, I'm not going to be home tonight. I'm going to see my parents since we have a day off tomorrow."

"Oh, okay. Awesome." I smile.

"Why are you wearing his jacket?" Ben asks, confused. "Are you guys dating?"

"Yes." I say.

"What?" Ross asks. "No."

"Um...yes." I say. "Bye."

I turn around and walk off, Noah following me.

I walk out to the car just as he catches up with me.

"Hey. I'll call you when I get there." He says. "And I'll try to come see you tomorrow when I get back, but I probably won't be back until late. Either way, I'll call you.

"Okay." I say. 

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