Like.A.Mother Fu-Fudger.Boss!

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"Curious...I wonder what my ex Derrik is doing with Hanna...eating eachother faces...Bitch doesn't learn!  I dye her mother fu-Forkin hair pink and green and she goes for more!  I fill her bra's with pudding!  Draw on her face!"

"Mae..calm down."  I nodded reaching in my boot.

"Is that a mini paint gun? Wait you and Derrik broke up?"

"Yes.  Not officially.  He doesn't know.  Get down" I pulled Ari's leg.  "Take this one." I handed her the one from my boot while i took the one duck taped to my tummy.

"Hurts like sh-Shirts..when you pull it off but worth it."  I unhooked the paint balls-heehehhe- and aimed for Hanna.  "Aim for the boob crack." I said nodding swiping face paint under my eyes.

"Where do you get this?"  I patted my Dora Backpack.

"One. Two. Thre-WAIT!  We can't.  Paintballs are to far.  TO THE PRANK JOURNAL!"

"Like.A.Mother Fu-Fudger.Boss!" I stopped to look at Derrik.  I fliped him off and slumped.  "Ari.  I think i might go lesbian."

"Why?  Why not Bi?"

"Because.  Guys are to much to handle.  It's quite sad that our relation ship was only like one week." I pouted.

"It was like three...." She corrected.

I smiled and waved my hand. "I knew that!  Holy moma.  I take that back..."

"That is one piece of man." Ari agreed nodding.

"Hes hotter than the bottom of my laptop!  Oops! Think he heard...wait false alarm."

"Is that a trace of a six pack i notice?" I shook my head at her.

"You whore face." And I walked away.  

Ari caught up with me.  "If i had a dollar for each boyfriend you had..?"

"Hmh...One, Two, Three, Four, Five....And futer six" I said winking at laptop guy.  HE WINKED BACK!

"Whos the whore face now, Lynn?"

"Still you!  I bet you Lily and James are snogging-" I started but was cut off.

"Snogging? Like that term for making out?" I nodded.

"Ten bucks!"  Ari payed my ten bucks.  "We havn't even-EWWW! Scared and Scarred!"

BADA BING BADA BOOM! EYEYE!  <----That;s not half of the prank.  I mean.  You should expect more of me!  Should i post some of my entries in my Prank Journal?

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