Is Mae Addicted to. . .Harry Potter? O_o

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"So Mae,  Are you addicted to HP! THE PRINTER THAT LIVED!?" Lily asked widening her eyes then bending low and speaking in a whisper, bowing her head "My future son?" She raised up hear head slowly.

I squinted my eyes "Yes.  And Arthur.  Boor man, saw the Woman In Black.  He died.  AHHA SPOILER!"  Lily made her body convulse.

"Scary shit right there." Ari said walking into the dorm room.  Tell me,  all the Harry Potter Spells you know by heart.

"Aguamenti, Alohomora, Avifors, Avis, Bombarda, Bombarda Maxima,  Colloportus, Confringo, Confundus, Conjunctivitis, Crucio, Deletrius ,Densaugen, Diffindo, Dissendium, Duro, Engorgio, Episkey, Evangio? Yeah, EXPECTO PATRONUM! Expelliarmus, Fera Verto, Ferula, Fidelius, FINITE INCARTUM!  Flagerate, Flipendo, Furnunculus, Gemino, Homorphus, Impedimenta-"

"And What does that mean?  I mean do?"

"I'm gonna go Granger Danger on yo ass!" I told her in a Shanaynay voice.

"Do. . .it. . .

"Heheh Thats what he said, anywhore, It puts up an impediment that slows down something or someone that is coming toward you, continuing-Imperio,  Impervius, Incarcerous,  Incendio,  Legilimens, Levicorpus,  Liberacorpus, Lumos, Lumos, Maxima, Mobiliarbus ,Mobilicorpus -"

"Okay shut up." Lily said sighing.

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