Chapter 1: Dammit Cas!

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Dean's call rang throughout the hotel room as he slammed the door. "Did you find him?"

"There's only so many omens out there, Dean. I can't find them all. Maybe if you actually helped with the research instead of moaning over your lost boyfriend-"

Dean slammed Sam's laptop shut. "For the last time, Sam, I'm not gay!"

"Tell that to your face" Sam smirked, remarking on Dean's bright red complexion.

"Just-did you find anything?"

"Not really... but-"

"But what?"

Sam sighed as he opened his laptop. "So get this; I'm looking up where these omens are happening, right? And as I'm looking, there's one place where they all seem to happen. Right here." He pointed to a map on the screen.

"Is that-"

"-the desert." Said Sam.

"Night Vale, to be exact." Said Cas.

Dean and Sam turned around and stared at the angel. "Hello Dean." Cas said. "How are yo-". He was cut off by Dean, who punched him in the face.

"You show up here-after WEEKS- without so much as a phone call- and all your feathery ass can say- is 'Hello Dean'"?

"I know I deserve that." Said Cas, wiping off blood with his trenchcoat, "but there was a good reason for my disappearance."

"You better hope there is" said Dean.

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