Chapter 5: What the Actual Fuck

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"What the hell was that?" screamed Dean over the weather broadcast. "Secret police, knowledge of angels, and how the hell did they know what was going on while we were driving?!" Dean was getting visibly upset, yet Sam was surprisingly calm. "Sam!"

"Yeah, what is it Dean?"

"Why aren't you upset?"

"Over the broadcast? It's not that I'm not upset, I am, it's just, maybe Cas doesn't need us."

Dean looked surprisingly at Sam.
"What?" said Dean. "You don't think this town needs us? Considering all the 'weird' going on here," he gestured at the town growing closer ahead of them," I'm surprised we don't just grab a bomb and light the whole freaking place up."

"Look, I know it's weird here," said Sam, " but everyone is really calm about it. I mean, if every news broadcast sounded like that, wouldn't that guy be in a mental institution by now?"

Dean thought about this. "Ok, so we leave town. And then what? Cas said the town could be destroyed, and the last thing I want to do is see people die, no matter how weird they might be."

"So what now? I mean, what do we do, waltz into town shooting whatever moves? What's the game plan?"

"First things first, we go to Carlos' apartment and get set up. Then the normal routine, you know: research, call Cas, maybe have a chat with the locals, see what's going on."

Sam's eyes lit up. "You had me at research."

"How about you talk with that Carlos guy, and I'll talk with the radio host," Dean said. "After that, let's find a diner; I need me some pie."

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