Chapter 12: Where the Bloody Hell am I?

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Crowley woke up in the middle of a sand dune with a splitting headache. "Bollocks," he said under his breath. He stood up and examined the terrain. There was sand as far as the eye could see, but in the distance there appeared to be a small town.

'Well this should be easy,' thought Crowley, but he couldn't leave. Sure, his legs were working, but his magic was not. Crowley sighed and started walking towards the village.

It was a town unlike any other. It looked like it was built using the most rudimentary tools, with wooden buildings sticking out at odd angles and shacks of assorted homes here and there. The only things that looked even partly well built was a rollercoaster that never ended, 'I'll have to remember that one for hell,' Crowley thought, and a radio station.

Crowley walked up to the station, hoping to find something that would let him leave. He opened the door to the studio's recording booth, looking for anything to send a help signal with, and came across a man.

"Hello friend." The man turned around. "My name is Kevin. Oh, are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Indeed Crowley did look like he saw a ghost; the man was an exact replica of Cecil. The only difference was the eyes. Cecil's eyes changed to a variety of colors, but this man had no eyes. Even if he did, it would be hard to replace the pitch black that was there now.

"Hello, Kevin," Crowley said hesitantly. "Say, do you know what this place is? I was just in Night Vale and I need to get back so I can say hello to my...friends."

"Night Vale? Oh, I haven't been to Night Vale in such a long time. Not since they decided to be all sour-pusses and stop the productivity of Strexcorp." Kevin smiled a big, toothed smile. "Oh, where are my manners? Welcome to Desert Bluffs! Well, not the original Desert Bluffs; this is a desert otherworld that I named Desert Bluffs. It just felt so much like home that I thought 'Hey, why not call this place home by naming it after my home!'"

"Do you ever shut up?" Crowley looked aggravated.


"Say," continued Kevin. "you want to go back to Night Vale, right? Would you mind if I tagged along? I would love to see my friend Cecil again, and that scientist, Carlos."

"Oh sure, I'll just pop back over there, we can have a nice chat, and we'll all hold hands and sing songs together. It can be a real blast. Oh wait, we can't becauSE WE'RE BLOODY STUCK IN ANOTHER DIMENSION!"

"Calm down, friend. Let's just say I know a way out."

"Oh really? Then why haven't you left yet?"

"I've been waiting for the right opportunity." Kevin smiled wider, his grin bordering on insanity. "I know who you are; I know what power you have. I could never do anything in Night Vale alone, but with you, I could get everything I've ever wanted."

Crowley grinned. "Let me get this straight. You show me the way out, and in return you want help, with what, might I ask?"

"Oh you know, the basics. My job at the radio station back, perhaps a certain scientist boyfriend and a timeout for my dear friend Cecil."

"I think I can have that arranged." Crowley walked over to Kevin. "Normally I seal my deals with a kiss, but I'll make an exception this time."

Kevin and Crowley shook hands, and the deal was sealed.

"By the way, Kev, I love what you've done with the place." He gestured to the blood-stained walls, desk, chair, equipment; pretty much everything in the studio was covered in some layer of blood, organs, or dirt.

"Thank you! And don't call me Kev. Ever."


Crowley and Kevin stood outside of one of the run-down buildings with an old oak door in the frame.

"Here we are," said Kevin. "Just walk straight through and you'll be in Night Vale."

"Lovely." He extended his arm. "Shall we?"


The pair walked arm in arm through the door and back into the town of Night Vale.

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