Chapter 9: Well This is a Sweet Turn of Events

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Sam knocked on the lab door. "Hello, Carlos? It's Sam. Can I come in?"

There was a small gasp from inside, followed by "You said no one would stop by" and then an "I thought so." Then there was a bit of rustling, some glass shattering, and a remark of "No that's my shirt, not yours."

While the trio stood outside awkwardly, a ruffled Carlos answered the door, his glasses askew and his lab coat thrown on the floor behind him."Hi Sam." Said Carlos. He was blushing fervidly.

"Hi, Carlos." Said Sam. "Did we, um, catch you at a bad time?"

"Uh, little bit."

"Got your bowling ball." Dean handed over the ball to Carlos, who picked it up with ease. Dean just stared.

"Oh, is Josie not coming to league night? Guess that means I get to fill in." He was blushing harder than ever.

"Carlos, sweetie, who's at the door?" came a voice from inside the lab.

"Just some friends, babe. You want to come meet them?"

"Of course. Any friend of yours is a friend, of...."

Cecil looked at Dean and Cas for a second, then put his arms in front of Carlos protectively. "Hey, I know you! You're the fake police! Stay away from my boyfriend!"

"Woah, babe, it's ok. I know they're fake police. They're investigators, or hunters? I'm not quite sure which, but they are our friends. Ok?"

Cecil relaxed as Carlos spoke, lowering his  arms. "Oh, I'm sorry. For earlier, I mean. I didn't mean to hurt or mentally scar you in any way." He stuck out his hand. "Let's start over. Hi, I'm Cecil. And you are?"

Sam shook Cecil's hand. "I'm Sam. That's my brother Dean and Cas, our angel friend."

Dean gave a little wave, but Cas looked scared out of his wits. So did Cecil. "Um, Sam, you shouldn't-"

"Angels aren't real." Said Cecil. "You know that, right? Angels aren't real, they can't be real, nope nope nope nope."

"Cecil. Remember what we talked about?"

Cecil took some deep breaths. "I'm fine, I'm good." He smiled at Carlos. "Better than fine, actually."

"Look, I'd hate to interrupt your little pow-wow here," said Dean "but we need your help. We found the source of the weirdness in your little town, and we need your help to find out exactly where we're going."

"We wouldn't come to you if it wasn't urgent." Sam looked at Carlos, pleading in his eyes. "No one else knows the town better than you. You don't have to come with us, but we need you to show us where to go."

Carlos and Cecil looked at each other for a moment. Then Cecil nodded his head. "We're in."


"ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!?!?!" Dean was standing in front of the radio station, the group behind him, everyone staring at the Impala. Rather, what was the Impala. Every door was splattered with a variety of purples and ancient runes. On it was written Property of  NVCR interns.

"Is... that not the way it should be?" Cecil asked.

Dean turned around, muttering "Nope, its fine, it's not like someone violated your baby or anything. Fine, fine, weapons are here, car is here, oh baby what happened to you?"

"He'll be alright." Sam said to Cas, Carlos, and Cecil. Dean was throwing his hands up in the air, simultaneously screaming, crying, and caressing his car. "Eventually."

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