Chapter 8: Plot Advancement with a Side of Dean's Attitude

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After waking up and eating a lovely breakfast of toast and coffee cooked by Erika and Erika, Sam, Dean, Cas, and Josie sat down to discuss the issue at hand.

"Now, as I was saying," continued Josie," Time, along with everything else in this town, stems from one source. No one is quite sure where it is; not Cecil, not the mayor, not city council, no one. But if something is 'off-book', you can bet that He is causing it."

"He?" Asked Sam.

"Yes," said Josie. "Now, I know Erika doesn't like me listening to their conversations," Erika gave an annoyed look at Josie, rolled their many eyes, and continued cleaning up the kitchen. "However, they've mentioned a strange feeling whenever they approach the vacant lot out back of the Ralph's. No, that's not right." Josie shook her head."Nope, It's the abandoned building immediately to the left of the vacant lot out back of the Ralph's."

"Ralph's... the grocery store?" Asked Dean. "Well this shouldn't be too hard," he said with a smirk." We get in there, light him up, and boom, problem solved."

"While I always-admire-your plans Dean, I don't know if that would be the best idea."

"You got something better in that noggin of yours, Cas?"

Cas frowned at the ground. "No," he said sadly.

"That's what I thought."

"So, um, Josie," said Sam, "Do you think if we killed the source of the problems, then they would just go away?"

"I doubt it." Said Josie.

"Well that's encouraging," said Dean

"Actually, it could work," interjected Erika. "It's like the Internet, or a rumor, or the human race. You kill the source, you destroy the product."

"Disturbing metaphor, Erika, but thank you."Said Josie.

Sam stood up. "Thanks Josie for your hospitality. We'll fix this, I promise."

"Now hold up there boys. I'm not through with you yet." She got up and handed Dean a bowling ball. "Could you run this over to Carlos for me? It's league night tonight and I'm in no shape for bowling today. Carlos said he could fill in any time for me, probably so he could spend more time with Cecil." She chuckled and shook her head. "Oh, those two. Anyways, it might do you good. Those two know the town better than anyone here. They can help you out."

"I'm not on best terms with that Cecil guy," remarked Dean. It was hard to tell whether he was pale from the memories of his last encounter with Cecil, or from the weight of a 40-pound bowling ball.

"Oh, just stick with Carlos, he'll put in a good word for you. If Carlos likes you, Cecil will too."

"Thank you Josie. For everything." Said Sam.

"Yeah, thanks," Dean grumbled.

Sam and Cas helped Dean with the weight of the bowling ball. "Alrighty Sammy, pop the trunk."

"Um, you realized I walked here right? You took the impala to the radio station and Cas zapped you here."

Dean gave Sam a look, sort of a cross between Really? And Help me out here, Sammy, with a touch of Fudge my life.


"Cas... couldn't you...have just zapped us... into the lab?"


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