Chapter 3: Haunted Radios are Above our Paygrade

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"Remind me again why we have to drive all the way out here?" asked Dean.

"It is necessary to fix the flow of time in this town," responded Castiel. "If the timeline is not fixed, the town will be destroyed. Hundreds of beings will die."

"Well, the least they could do is play something other than talk radio." Dean fiddled with the radio on the Impala dashboard. "Seriously, were these people born dicks?" 

"Hey, stop worrying about the radio," said Sam.

"Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole, Sammy."

"Seriously, Dean?"


"So Cas, what are we going to do when we get into town?"

"Don't worry," said Cas. "I've arranged locations for you two to stay. If you go to the Science district of the town, find Carlos the scientist. He agreed to let you use his apartment before he sells it. If you need me I will be at Old Woman Josie's out by the old car lot." Cas disappeared with a flap of his wings, leaving a surprised Sam and an angry Dean in the Impala.

"What kind of guy does he think he is?" Dean complained. "Just thinks he can disappear like that? I mean, who the hell is this Carlos?"

"-perfect, Carlos."

"What the hell?" said Dean, narrowly swerving the car off the road. "I didn't touch that thing. I turned it off."

"Well I didn't touch it either, Dean." complained Sam. "Hey, they mentioned Carlos. Maybe this is a good thing?"

"And when has anything Supernatural ever been a good thing in our lives?"

"...Good point. But if we listen, then it could help point us in the right direction."

Dean sighed. "Fine. It's better than silence, anyways." As the Impala drove closer to the lights of the town, Dean reached to turn up the broadcast. It crackled to life with a man's voice introducing a show.

"Welcome, to Night Vale."

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