Chapter 16: Good Night, Listeners, Goodnight

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Listeners, it is good to be back. Now, I know it is illegal to report 'actual news', but I think I can make an exception.

After the entire town population appeared on Main Street several days ago, the City Council released a statement saying, "What? Nothing happened. You didn't see anything. Nu-Uh. Nope." To which all the reporters replied by shrugging their shoulders in agreement, and taking sips of whiskey from a shared flask. As our town motto goes, 'If you see something, say nothing, and drink to forget'.

In other news, we at the station just received a letter from... Desert Bluffs. UGGGHHGG. Do I have to read it? OK, fine.

"Dear Cecil,

HELLO!!! It's me, Kevin! Well, not me me, this is a letter.

After all of that, unfortunate, business in Night Vale, I appeared back in my hometown of Desert Bluffs!! Apparently that reset button works in more ways than one...

Anyways, see you soon, old friend!!! See you very, very soon.


UGHGHGGG, can you believe that guy? Blatantly speaking about the past? What a loser.

Oh, listeners, I almost forgot to tell you. We have a very special guest here with us in the studio. Carlos, my boyfriend. Or not boyfriend, anymore.

"You can tell them, Cecil."

Oh, alright. Carlos and I, we are, well, we're getting married! It's just, it's so, NEAT!

"Yeah, so Cecil might not be on the air for a little while. He has some other commitments, with, um, science and all. So...sorry."

I'm sure you won't mind if I take a few more days off, Night Vale. Um, listeners, Intern Kareem just handed me a notice from Station Management, saying that if I want those extra days off, I have to report the actual broadcast that was given to me to read. Ok, here we go...

And now, traffic.

There's an old car, black and weather-worn, ready to drive to parts unknown, even to its passengers. The short-haired one with piercing green eyes turns to his family. He shares an embrace with them, and enters the driver's side door. The dark haired one with calm, blue eyes follows close behind, stepping into the passenger's seat.

The tall one stands next to the car, not moving. He glances behind at a friend. No, not a friend, his family. They stare. They keep staring. They share some words, and the tall one lights up with excitement.

Both the tall man and his partner climb into the backseat of the old car. The driver starts the engine, and tunes into this broadcast.

He stops. He listens. Then, he gives a small chuckle, and drives away.

Listeners, I do not know what is coming for us in the future. The only ones who do have special access to the Hall of Public Records; so, no one.

What I do know, however, is that whatever happens, we will deal with it together. Night Vale, we are a community. A community that bands together during every experience of our lives. Times of terror, times of love, times of mourning, and birth, and death.

We may never work together perfectly. We may never be perfect. But who is? We are all perfectly imperfect, and that is all we need to be.

Goodnight, Sam and Dean Winchester. Goodnight, their NOT angel "friends". Goodnight, a newly engaged couple.

And goodnight to you, listeners, and to anyone else who can hear my voice.

Goodnight, Night Vale, goodnight.

The End


HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS STORY! I will be accepting any questions you may have or comments you want to give me down below. Just comment on


and I will answer as many as I can when I have a decent amount. This probably won't happen for a couple weeks/ months so don't be expecting anything too soon.

Thanks for all of your support!

Sandwich out, PEACE!

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