Chapter 10: I've Achieved True Authorhood

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I am only finishing up season 7 of Supernatural. Apologies to all you Crowley fans out there, but as far as I know, he's still a demon scumbag.

P.S. I'm not apologizing for the last chapter. I gave you enough fluff to deal with the ending.

P.P.S. Have some sad Dean pie fanart to set the mood.

Carlos felt like his whole world was coming down. His boyfriend was dead, his friends were in danger, and his town was about to be destroyed. It was one disaster away from being a normal Night Vale week.

He didn't remember much of what happened after...the event. After Cecil was shot, Crowley chuckled, and went on some big rant about time, destroying the town, more souls for hell, or something like that. His friends seemed to understand what that meant, but Carlos was completely, hopelessly lost.

When the demon left, everyone seemed free again, but nobody moved a muscle. All eyes were trained on Carlos.

"Carlos," said Sam. "Are you, doing-"

"He tried to save me," Carlos interrupted Sam. Tears were forming behind his cracked glasses. "He took the bullet, and there was nothing I could do about it. It should have been me. I deserve it anyways."

He was starting to sound frantic. "What could I ever be compared to him?! He was the hero, he was the reporter all up in the action, he's lived here all his life, he loved me, and what have I done to show for it? Nothing, that's what. I'm a scientist, sure, but what does that even mean? I'm nothing but a loser in a lab coat."

"Alright, cut the crap." Dean walked up to the disheveled Carlos. "There's no use feeling sorry for yourself now. We've all lost people: Friends, family, strangers. We can either sit here and feel sorry for ourselves, or we can make their sacrifice count, and do something about it."

Dean helped Carlos to his feet. "You know what always makes me feel better? Pie."

Carlos gave a small chuckle. "There's the moonlight all-nite diner not too far from here. Best pie in town. Let's go."

Carlos left the building, and Dean and Cas followed. Sam, however, stayed behind with Gabriel. "Now what?"

Gabe sighed and did a face palm. "You know what, ya idiot. You need to kill Crowley and save the town."

"I know that." Sam rolled his eyes. "I meant with Carlos. After what happened with Cecil do you... do you think he'll be ok?"

"I don't give two f*cks about Carlos. All I want is to live my life free of danger. Is that too much to ask?"

Sam looked shocked for a moment, then shook his head "Sometimes I wonder  what would've happened if you hadn't disappeared."

Gabriel gave a little smirk towards Sam. "Oh, we both know the answer to that question, Sammy."

"Gaaabe." Sam smirked back. "Ok, fine, stay here if you want, I'll be at the diner."

"Four slices of pie, coming up." The waitress left the booth to retrieve some pie.

"So now what? That round was full of salt, it should have done something to him."

"Dean, I've been trying to tell you," said Cas next to him. "Night Vale isn't like other towns. Salt, demon traps, exorcisms, any tools we have will be useless."

"Great," said Sam. "Just like old times. We know what it is, but not how to kill it."

"Do you have to kill him?" Carlos asked. "Couldn't you, I don't know, get rid of him. Like, kick him out of town? Would that do anything?"

Cas thought about this for a moment. "Yes, that would work. As long as we can keep Crowley out of the town, everything should go back to normal. But how could we force him out?"

"The dog park." Carlos stood up. "Put him in the dog park. I have to go, but," he glanced out the door of the diner. "Talk to Mayor Cardinal. She's been to the dog park before. Tell her everything that's happened, she'll help you."

Carlos left the diner as the waitress came back carrying four empty plates. "Four slices of invisible pie. Here you go dears. Oh my, did Carlos leave? Shame. Bet he went to go see his boyfriend. Never could keep those two apart." She chuckled. "Enjoy the pie, dears."

As she walked away, Dean gaped at his empty plate. "Invisible pie. Invisible pie. How could they ruin pie?! First my car, now pie, what's next? Flannel? Leather jackets?" Dean picked up a fork and scooped up some pie. "It won't even be that good," he said to Sam.

"10 bucks says you're wrong."

"You're on."

Dean ate the pie, and his expression suddenly changed. "Oh my god. This is the best fricken pie I've ever tasted in my life!" He threw a ten dollar bill at Sam and dug back into his pie, then Carlos' pie, and finally Cas' pie. "You like it so much, so you can have mine."

"Thanks Cas," said Dean, although it came out muffled since his mouth was stuffed with the invisible dessert.

"Sooo... want to go visit the mayor?" Said Sam. "Or do you want to finish your pie first?"

"Pie first," said Dean. "Work later."

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