Chapter 7: What a Nice Old Lad- Dean what did you do?

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As soon as they had arrived in the town, Dean and Sam found Carlos' apartment and set up shop.  They had called Carlos on their way in, and he gave them directions on how to get to his room.  They laid out all of their supplies on the bed:  guns, salt, and Sam's laptop.

Sam sat down and furiously started typing. The gleam in his eye told Dean that he had an idea. "So this town doesn't know about the FBI. That means we'll have to change our badges to look like that of the 'Sheriffs secret police'. I also decided to look up that guy on the radio. Turns out his name is Cecil Gershwin Palmer, he's been broadcasting for about as long as anyone can remember, and he's definitely in a relationship with Carlos the scientist."

"What do you mean 'definitely'?" asked Dean

"Definitely, as in he brings it up every other broadcast. All the way back since Carlos arrived in 2012."

"And how do you know the year?'

"Theres a collection of broadcasts available online with the dates next to them."

"Of course there is. What else could there be? A giant glowing cloud literally raining cats and dogs? Portals to other dimensions? How about 'Rise of the evil business corporation'?" Dean was saying this all sarcastically, of course.  Sam decided not to tell him that all of those things actually happened. 

"So... any plans?"

" We call Cas, and we talk to some of the people in town about what's going on. Easy as apple pie. Which we will get at the diner after all this is over."

"You do the honors of radioing in your boyfriend"

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that." Dean was blushing bright pink on his cheeks.  "Dear Castiel, who's probably hiding somewhere in this crazy town, please get your feathery ass down here so we can go hunting...over?"

"I'm ready," said Cas, appearing with a whoosh.  The brothers were so used to this by now that they just brushed it off.

"Ok, here's the setup. Sam, you talk to Carlos. Cas and I will deal with this Cecil guy."

"Cecil. As in Sea-sill."


"Why can't you say it right?

"Why do you care so much?

"Because, maybe, if we're blending in as all-knowing agents we should at least be able to pronounce the name of the guy we're interrogating."

Dean paused, opened is mouth, closed it again, and just stood there pouting. "I'm getting changed." he said and stormed off. Cas followed him. Quitely, so Sam couldn't hear him, he told Dean, "You know, you didn't have to say any of that out loud for me to hear it. Because I believe you were thinking some things about my 'ass' that you didn't want Sam to hear. Do you really mean it when you thought ' Cas' butt is cute oh god why can't he love me'?"

Dean stopped, realizing that Cas had heard everything he thought. "Blow me, Cas."

"Technically you thought another word."


When they were all changed into suits, Dean and Cas got in the impala, and Sam waved them off before walking down the street. The lab was two blocks away, not too far, so he could walk it. 'Maybe get a glimpse of the town while I'm at it' thought Sam.

He entered the science district of the town, and found the lab right next to Big Rico's Pizza "Now serving no wheat or wheat by-products!"
Sam knocked on the door, heard a faint "Come in!", and entered.

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