Chapter 4: The Broadcast

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Hello listeners. Breaking news: the sheriff's secret police has released a statement reminding all citizens that angels, aren't real. To acknowledge the existence of 'angels' is against the law. Anyone who does publicly acknowledge the existence of angles will receive several weeks of reeducation in city hall, along with a coupon for a slice of Big Rico's Pizza. Cause no one does a slice like Big Rico. No one.

In other news, Old Woman Josie has called into the station with exciting news. According to her, an angel appeared to her several weeks ago, asking her about time. Which is completely ridiculous; there have already been many studies in Night Vale about time, and how it's not real, and how the passage of time is just a figure of our imagination to distract us from the pressures of mortality and that relationship you just entered. However, this angel was not one of the usual angels, claims Josie. "It was wearing a tan jacket, and goes by Castiel. He was actually quite a sweetheart, besides the fact he nearly destroyed my house while changing a lightbulb." She said.

Listeners, I have some exciting news. My boyfriend, Carlos, with his perfect hair and imperfect science, is going to move in with me! Now, he says this is just temporary, while he lets some friends stay in his apartment, but I know what he means. Oooooh, this is so exciting!!!! I'm going to show him my kitchen, and I can make him coffee in the mornings, and we can hide from the glow cloud together in my basement, oh, and we can sleep together in my bed. Or, maybe not sleep, if you know what I mean.

And now, traffic.

There is a car. An old car, black and weather-worn, approaching the town. In the car, there are two siblings. One is driving. One is not. One is excited at hearing his car on the radio. Both are confused. The tall one who is not driving tries to turn off the radio. The tall one who is driving does not stop him. The radio does not turn off. The car moves closer to the town. The siblings are strangers to the town. They are strangers to many towns. There is a familiar face in the town that the one of them is looking forward to seeing. The tall one who is driving screams. He is upset listening to the radio. He tries to turn it off, but the radio doesn't stop playing. He wants to claw at his ears, to scream, to do anything to get the radio to stop playing. The tall one who is not driving is scared. He grabs the radio and throws it out the window. But they can still hear it playing. They have to listen to the radio.

This has been traffic.

Listeners, if that report has told me anything, it is that strangers are coming to Night Vale. Some strangers are already here. And some strangers are on the border of the town, hopping back and forth saying 'I'm in the town, now I'm not, now I'm in the town, now I'm not'. As we await these interlopers, and contemplate how long they will choose to stay here, I take you now, to the weather.

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