Chapter 14: The Plan

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As the group started driving towards the library, Sam explained Crowley's plan to Carlos.

"A while back, Crowley and Cas teamed up to steal souls from purgatory. The souls made Cas so powerful, he could even play God."

"It was not one of my prouder moments," said Cas.

"It's ok, Cas, we forgive you. Anyways, Crowley needs more souls for hell.  He's weak, so he needs souls to get strong.  When he discovered Night Vale, he basically saw a gold mine of lost souls just up for the taking. That's when he started messing with time."

"Screwing with the natural order has some pretty big consequences," chimed in Gabriel.

"But time has always been weird here," said Carlos, confused. "How long did it take to mess up everything?"

"He's been here for about 1,000 years, apparently," Sam said. "When his timer runs out, though, the town gets destroyed, and all the souls get a one-way ticket to hell. Which is why we need to stop him before that happens."

Carlos turned pale in the back seat. "Um, Sam?"


"I don't want to stress you out, but, um, from, uh, a scientific standpoint, um..."

"Spit it out Carlos," yelled Dean from the driver's seat.

"TIME'S ALMOST OUT!" Carlos yelled back. Dean nearly swerved the car off the road in shock, while Sam kind of shrugged as if to say "What else is new?"

"At the radio station," said Carlos, "I overheard Crowley and Kevin talking about their plan. Crowley said that by tonight the plan would be complete. We need to go to the library now!"

"Almost there," said Dean. "Just need to turn here," The Impala lurched to the right, throwing Carlos on top of the angels in the backseat, "and here we are."

Before the group loomed a tall, ominous structure. The sign hastily stapled to front indicated that this was indeed the library. Beneath that, another sign read, 'BEWARE OF LIBRARIANS! ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!'

"Cheerful," muttered Dean under his breath.

"Come on," said Carlos. "We need to hurry."


The inside of the library was about as inviting as the outside. The children's section was filled with a strange goo, and the computer area wasn't even filled with computers, just a sign flashing the message 'Computers are lies. The Internet isn't real. Wi-Fi is a figment of your imagination.'

"Well," said Dean, "let's get looking."

There was a small fiction section, filled with children's books about time and math, and a biographical section, which only contained the biographies of actors Hellen Hunt and Shaun Pence. Finally, Gabe yelled for everyone from the other side of the library.

"Hey dickheads!" he said. "Look what I found!"

Gabe was holding up an old scroll with the title 'Demons' on it.

"I was reading it over before you slowpokes decided to mosey on over," Gabe said, holding up the paper. "Apparently, we need a few items before we can use the spell."

"Like?" Asked Sam.

"Well, it's just three things: the hair of a member of City Council, the tear of a shapeshifter, and the blood of an innocent conspirator. Mix it all together, do some chanting; you should know, you do this all the time. Shouldn't be too hard."

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