Chapter 15: The Climax You've All Been Waiting For

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"Crowley! Come out here you sonofabitch!" Dean was yelling into the car lot, hoping to attract the demon.

"Dean," Sam touched his brother's shoulder. "You've been yelling for over half an hour. It's no use; he's not here."

"How do you know?" Dean turned on his brother. "Carlos said he was here. Why would he lie to us?"

"No reason. No reason whatsoever." Gabriel appeared in front of the brothers.
"WOAH, ease up on the stares, boys."

"And where have you been?" Sam asked.

"Ok, ok, you got me." Gabe held up his hands in defense. "While you guys came here, Carlos told me that he was afraid. He didn't want to come. He's safe at home in the apartment that he let you guys use."

"Why isn't Crowley here?" Dean demanded.

Before Gabe could answer, some of the Erikas showed up with Old Woman Josie in tow.

"Because Carlos lied. Simple as that." Josie said.

"Yeah, but why?" Dean was still confused.

"Jeez, you really know how to pick 'em." Erika whispered to Cas.

"Love," said another Erika. "He wants revenge on the man who killed his love."

"He could've let us help!" said Sam.

"NO!" Gabriel looked at Sam. "I wanted him to keep you out of it. I gave him the real scroll, and the vial; all the stuff you guys have is fake. I don't want you-any of you-to get hurt."


"I agree with Gabriel." Cas looked over at Dean. "Carlos knows what he's doing; he'll be fine."

"Why don't you all come over to my place for some tea," Josie said. "We can wait for Carlos there."

"Sorry lady," said Dean, "but we need to do our job." He looked over at Castiel. "Cas, please. You know what I have to do."

The deep blue eyes tried to avert the piercing green of Dean's stare, until finally he gave in.

"Fine," Cas muttered. "I just hope you have a plan."

"Wow, you new angels have no backbone," shouted Erika from the back. "I'm going home."

"Just ignore them," said another Erika.

"Good luck," said Josie. "And tell Carlos I said hello."

Josie and the Erikas disappeared with a flash, only to reappear right next door at Josie's house.

"Jeez, it's not like their legs are broken," commented Gabriel. "All flare, those Erikas, no... no..."

Sam stared at Gabriel. "When this is over, I don't ever want to see you again," he said.

"Look, I did this because I care about you," Gabe shot back. "You know what Crowley can do, what he has done. I don't want to lose you."

"Gabriel," said Sam. "This is my job. Saving people, hunting things, the family business. I've done so much worse for less than this."

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