Chapter 11: Sam, I Know You Like Dogs, but Step Away From the Dog Park

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After Dean finished his pie, which took much longer than Sam thought it would, Team Free Will got in the Impala and drove to city hall. They were able to get an appointment with the mayor right away; apparently residents were too scared of the city council to even travel to city hall.

They entered the building, knocked on the mayor's office, and, upon hearing a quiet "Come in," entered the office.

At the head of a large desk was a kind-faced woman. The nameplate on the desk indicated that she was Mayor Cardinal.

"Hello, Mayor," said Dean. "I'm-"

"Oh, please, call me Dana," said the mayor. "I already know who you are and why you're here." She wiped a tear away from her eyes. "I'm so sorry to hear about Cecil. He was my teacher during my internship at the radio station, but he was also my friend. I wouldn't be where I am today without him."

Sam stepped up. "Dana, Carlos sent us here. He says you can help us banish Crowley in park?"

Dana went pale. "Carlos...Cecil... oh no." She shook her head. "Never mind. Duty must come first.

"The town's dog park is a portal to another dimension. The walls and hooded figures keep the door closed, mostly. On a few rare occasions, it opens. When I was an intern I went through the doors. It was weeks, months, maybe, before I left.

"The second time the doors were open was when Strexcorp tried to take over the town. Carlos and Cecil used the old oak doors to save the town, but Carlos was trapped there for a year."

"I'm sorry, Strex what?" Dean asked.

"Strexcorp. It was an evil corporation that tried to control the town with mind controlled puppets like Kevin and Vanessa. It's no big deal.

"My point is that while the dog park is mostly impenetrable, there's always cracks. Sometimes the cracks let things in, such as me and Carlos. But they also let things out,"

"Such as you and Carlos," said Sam. "But, if we could destroy the portal, would that do anything?"

"To destroy such a portal would take immense power, Sam," Cas spoke up.

"What about your ang- I mean, totally NOT angel friends?" Asked Dean. "If all of you combined your mojo, would it be powerful enough to break the barrier?"

Cas thought about this. After a long pause he responded, "Yes, but it would take us at least a week to gather the strength to do so."

"Glad it's settled," said Mayor Cardinal. "Find a way to bring this, thing, to justice. In return I'll let you destroy the dog park, and you won't be arrested for acknowledging the presence of angels."

"Thanks Dana, I guess." Dean said as they left the mayor's office."


"So now what?" Sam was pacing the floor of the apartment while Dean and Cas sat on the bed next to each other. "We have a way to kill Crowley, sure, but how do we get him in the dog park? It's not like we could hold the door open for him and hope he'll walk through."

Dean thought, mostly about pie, though, but he came up with a solution.

"What does Crowley want more than anything?"

"I don't know, our heads on a plate?" Asked Sam.

"Exactly!" Dean stood up. "We lure him to the dog park, act like we'll go through the door, and at the last second, we shove him through!"

"Did that pie do something to your brain?" Gabriel appeared in the room so suddenly that Dean fell backwards onto the bed, landing right on Cas. Gabe and Sam snickered at their brothers flailing to stand up from their awkward position.

"Now, I wouldn't show up without a good reason, boys. I have a thing with illusions and tricks, as you know. I'll help you trick Crowley into the dog park; I'll even help you shut the goddamn door. One condition: I want to be left alone. Got it? No more Winchesters knocking down my door, no calling in favors, no ringing me up just to chat. Got it? Zip."

Sam looked hurt, but Dean agreed right away. "Why would I want to look at your ass anyway?"

"I would want too..." mumbled Sam.

"Tomorrow," said Gabe. "Meet Crowley in front of the dog park in the morning and I'll be there to shove him in."

Gabe disappeared as fast as he had arrived, leaving the entire room disgruntled.

"Geez, and I thought I liked the guy better when he wasn't here."

"Dean, are you, um, ok?"



Morning came soon enough, and Dean and Sam stood in front of the dog park doors. Crowley showed up not long after.

"Hello boys. What can I do for you today?"

"Go to hell," said Sam.

"Sorry, Moose, been there, done that," Crowley replied. "Now, why are the two of you here?"

"We want to make a deal," said Dean. "Our souls for Cecil's life. Simple as that."

Crowley laughed. "Really now? Are you two that stupid? You've already sold your souls before, and you're telling me you still haven't learned your lesson?"

"We're serious Crowley. It's your fault he got hurt, we just want what's right." Sam loomed over Crowley.

The demon eyed the two boys. "Ok," he said. "It's a deal." As Crowley went to seal the deal with Dean, the dog park doors opened, and Crowley tried to shove Dean inside. But it didn't work.

Gabe got rid of the Sam and Dean illusions next to Crowley as the king of hell almost stumbled into the dog park. From behind Crowley, the real Dean took the demon knife and stabbed Crowley in the leg, weakening him enough so that the real Sam could shove him all the way through the portal.

As Crowley fell, the dog park doors shut closed, and the town was silent once again.

"Is it over?" Asked Sam.

"Yeah," said Dean. "Just let the angels charge up their mojo and Crowley should be out of our hair for good."

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