Chapter 02

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You were in the middle of your teacher's discussion when you told him that you want to go to comfort room, but honestly, you don't. Instead, you walked in the hallway further more and catched a glimpse of your one and only crush; Akaashi.

Seeing him makes your day surely complete.

You saw him sitting on his chair with boredom written all over his calm face. He might be bored but he's focusing with his lesson.

Just in time, the bell rung, it's already lunch break. You quickened up your pace and head to the cafeteria; too afraid that he will caught you stalking him.

"Akaashi-kun is so cute." You heard some of the girls murmured.

You pinched your cheeks softly and ignored them.

"What are you doing? Squeezing your cheeks?" Akaashi asked who stood next to you. He want to giggle but he managed to hold back himself.

"No, I was pinching it." You respond.

Then realization must have had hit you really hard. Your eyes goes wide when you take a look at him.

"A-Akaashi-kun! Hello." You stuttered then instantly blushed.

"Hey hey hey there, chibi-chan." Bokuto waved his hand with a perky smile painted on his face.

You pouted before greeting him. He noticed your flushing cheeks.

"Why are you so red?" Bokuto asked; giggling afterwards. You shake your head vigorously.

"It was nothing!" You responded then you shake your hands in a dork-ish way while chuckling nervously.

"Are you okay? Are you sick?" Akaashi asked then he placed his soft palm to your forehead and that makes you blushed even more; if possible.

Akaashi-kun is touching my forehead!!! Heart please calm down! You thought.

You slowly looked at his eyes and it met yours. You quickly looked away and he removed his hand.

"She's just blushing." Akaashi said then sighed, "I thought you're sick."

Bokuto chuckled, "Akaashi~ You were worried, weren't you?" He asked then he wiggled his eyebrows in a teasing manner.

"No, Bokuto-san." Akaashi responded then sighed.

"Wait a minute! You're blushing but why?" Bokuto asked then smirked.

"S-Silly! I'm not blushing at all." You mumbled.

You don't know if your face is much much redder than before. This was embarrassing.

 This was embarrassing

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"I can't walk home with you today, me and my mom have something business to do." [n/o/f] said, "But I hope, I can."

𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 ; akaashi keijiWhere stories live. Discover now