Chapter 08

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THE NEXT DAY ; ── ꒰ ❀ ꒱ ◞ ̑̑ೃ࿔

"Okay, we're going to have our activity today. There are bunches of flag inside of the forest, deep in the forest and there's one black flag inside. Whoever team got that, will have two subject exemption in this coming test." The teacher explained.

"Please, choose your partner." The other teacher added.

[name] was about to call her best friend but she thought that Konoha is her partner, so she let them be. She was about to ask Bokuto but he already ask Yukie and unexpectedly the manager for once, agreed to be his partner.

"Looks like I'll play alone." She mumbled to herself.

"We can be partner since I don't have one." The drop-dead gorgeous setter said then stand next to her.

She nod and honestly she wanted to squeal so loud and tell her serious feelings for him. It's increasing and increasing. The teacher gave them a yellow handkerchief to tie aroun their wrist.

Akaashi ties the other end of the handkerchief to her wrist. After that, [name] start to tie the other end to his wrist. Her heart is pounding as she noticed how close they were to each other.

"Done." She said then slightly smiled.

"Thanks." He said.

"Okay! On count of one... two... three... go!" The teacher shouted and shot up the flare gun up in the sky.

The participants run inside of the forest. Akaashi and [name] went inside of the forest as well. A smile formed to her lips while she's staring at Akaashi's back and his messy soft raven hair.

 A smile formed to her lips while she's staring at Akaashi's back and his messy soft raven hair

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They both walk deeper and further inside of the forest, sure they have seen bunches of flags but they haven't seen the black flag yet. She felt tired and her feet hurts but not that much.

"Could we stop for a bit, my feet hurts." [name] said, "I bet yours too."

Akaashi glanced at her then nod. She sit underneath the tree then leaned her back, taking her time to rest just for a bit. He sit next to her and their shoulders are barely touching.

"We've been walking for almost 2 hours but we can't find the black flag." He monotonously said then sighed.


"If we ever got the black flag, what two subjects do you want to exempt?" He ask.

She giggled, "Math and [subject]." She respond, "What about you?"

"Same." He respond then slightly chuckled.

Suddenly, there's a loud squeaking sound behind the bushes. [name] flinched and instantly leaned closer to him then held to his waist without thinking. She unconsciously did that. His eyes widen and there is tint of pink crept on his cheeks.

"H-Hey... [name]-san, it was just a squirrel." Akaashi said and he's right, there's the brown squirrel jumped out of the bushes then run away.

She blinked her eyes then pulled away, "I'm s-sorry. I was scared." She said, stuttering a bit like an idiot.

"It's fine. We should find the black flag." Akaashi said then stand up.

After that, he lend out his hand to her and [name] gracefully accepted it. They pat their jogging pants (because both of them is wearing p.e uniform) before walking away. They walk further again and finally, after few hours, they have found what they were looking for, the black flag. They run up to it then grab it together.

"Finally! We have it." She said then smiled brightly.

"Yeah, let's head back before it gets dark." Akaashi said then they went back to the camp immediately.

Once they were back, the teacher saw them both running all the way. They noticed the black flag in their hand. It took them like three hours for finding the flag and the others have not returned yet.

"Shot up the flare gun, we have the winner!" The teacher said and the other teacher shot up his flare gun in the sky.

"Congratulations! Here's the certification for your exemption in your two subject test." The teacher said then handed them two certificate for each other.

"Nice [name]-chan~" Ayumi sang then giggled afterwards.

Akaashi and [name] look at each other then they fist-bomb before smiling at each other. The two sure is happy for their exemption and experience. Though it was tiring, finding the black flag sure is great and worthy.

𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 ; akaashi keijiWhere stories live. Discover now