Chapter 14

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I'm sorry for the lack of updates ;w; but the next update would be the final chapter! (I guess) ;w;

anyway, I hope you like this one.

I luvvvv akaashiiiii ♡ I should have babies with him, also with semi, oikawa, iwa-chan & kuroo hehe ♡

I published a tsukishima kei x reader and semi eita x reader ♡
hehe~ you can check it out if you want to.

#selfpromote:I published a tsukishima kei x reader and semi eita x reader ♡hehe~ you can check it out if you want to

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FEW MONTHS LATERA ; ── ꒰ ❀ ꒱ ◞ ̑̑ೃ࿔

You have already gained your memories and remembered every piece of it.

You are happy about that, since your family and friends helped you to, but what helped you the most was your heart.

"hey hey hey Chibi-chan~" Bokuto beamed, walking towards you with akaashi next to him.

You smiled, "Hi bokuto-senpai and Akaashi-kun." You greeted and Akaashi smiled back.

"Whatcha doing? Don't forget to cheer for us tomorrow." Bokuto grinned.

"Of course, it's our team after all!" You giggled.

They smiled and here comes Konoha with Ayumi and Komi with Yukie. You smiled at them and they did the same.

"So? Are you guys going to practice later?" Ayumi asked.

Bokuto nodded his head, "Heck yeah! We need to since it's nationals tomorrow. I need to pump up my bones, but either way, I'm still cool." He said then he confidently crossed his arms.

It goes dead silent. You all blinked your eyes before bursting into laughters; including Bokuto.

I missed these crackheads. You thought.

 You thought

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You put the volley balls back inside of the basket and pushed it inside of the storage room; closing it after.

Glancing at Bokuto, he was so pumped again after recovering from his emo mode.

You grabbed your bag then head outside of the gym. Ayumi is already with Konoha, being lovey-dovey together.


You turned around and saw Akaashi is walking towards you.

"Yes, what is it Akaashi-kun?" You asked.

Akaashi cracked a small smile, "Can I walk you home?" He asked.

"Of course, you can." You respond, smiling at him.

He nodded his head, "Let's go then." You said.

You glanced at Ayumi and she's wiggling her eyebrows in a teasing manner. You playfully rolled your eyes before waving at her, then you and Akaashi start walking to another direction from the others.

You looked up at the sky and saw the moon is peeking from the clouds. it's so beautiful, even the blinking stars.

Then you remembered something that made you giggled. The gorgeous setter looked at you.

"Why were you giggling, [name]-san?" Akaashi asked.

You smiled, "I just remembered those days when I had a huge crush on you and Ayumi stalking Konoha-senpai. It feels great to have my memories back." You respond.

"That means you also remembered the day we shared my umbrella?" Akaashi asked.

You nodded your head, "Yeah, because I intentionally didn't bring my umbrella." You respond.

"Why you didn't?"

"Because I wanted to. So Akaashi-kun, when I was away, did you happen to forget about me?" You looked at him.

Akaashi shake his head, "No, not even for a bit." He respond and that made you smile.

"I'm glad." You calmly said then you looked up at the sky again.

" You calmly said then you looked up at the sky again

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You reached the gate of your house and you felt somewhat happy since you had a great time talking with Akaashi.

"Thanks for walking me home, Akaashi-kun." you smiled.

He cracked a small smile and nodded his head. You stare at his pair of breath-taking eyes before walking closer to him. You tugged to his arm and captured his lips.

At first, Akaashi was surprised but he didn't hesitate to kiss you back because he know that he's been waiting for this to happen ever since you left.

He held at the back of your neck as you two kissed passionately. You can feel your heart is pounding and butterflies on your stomach while your cheeks flared up.

You slowly pulled away and saw he's blushing too.

So cute!

"Do your best tomorrow, Akaashi-kun." You said.

"Will do." He respond.

You smiled then you waved your hand before walking inside of your house.

Akaashi then start to walk away with a smile painted on his face as his heart gone wild.

Akaashi then start to walk away with a smile painted on his face as his heart gone wild

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oyaaa! where's my haikyuu fam? ;w;
i was reading a haikyuu x reader this morning and saw a comment that haikyuu fandom is slowly dying ;w;

𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 ; akaashi keijiWhere stories live. Discover now