Prologue ♡

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"Akaashi-kun, I like you all this time." You confessed to one and only, Akaashi Keiji.

The one who makes your heart race, the one that makes you smile.

"I'm sorry but I don't feel the same way, [name]-san." Akaashi said while looking directly to your [e/c] glossy eyes, "Besides, I don't have any love interest."

A dejected smile formed to your lips as you held back your tear that is threatening to fall down to your rosy cheeks. You pulled a fake and small chuckle so he won't feel bad for rejecting you. Honestly, you don't know what to feel anymore and don't know what face expression you should make.

"But I'm glad that you told me." He said.

You nodded my head, "At least I know what you really feel towards me." I said, "Well, I'm going to [country] anyway, so probably this would be the last and probably a goodbye."

You can't hold your tears anymore. It started streaming down to your cheeks and you started to sob. You're a crying mess right now.

Akaashi looked at you then messed your [h/l] [h/c] hair.

"Don't cry, [name]-san." He said.

"Thank you, Akaashi-kun." You said then take a step back before turning around to take your leave.

You heard he called your name but you didn't bother to look back and you know you shouldn't because you don't want to see what face is he making right now.

You quickened up your pace until you started running while tears continuously streaming down to your cheeks.

You can't hold it anymore, it hurts– a lot.

You feel someone is behind you. You looked through the corner of your eyes and saw Akaashi is following you. Why is he following me? That was the first question appeared on your mind.

"[name]-san!" Akaashi called out.

Don't look back [name], just keep your pace. You thought to yourself.

Your chest hurts.

You were about to run across the street to meet your home car but suddenly...


All you see is pitch black that is surrounding you and you can hear some people are horribly screaming your name.

What's happening?

You want to open your eyes but you can't, like it is forcibly closing. After that, you slowly lost your conscious.

 After that, you slowly lost your conscious

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"Dolce Amore - Sweet Love"
*I don't own anything here, except the plot and this book!*

© softsemi

𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 ; akaashi keijiWhere stories live. Discover now