Chapter 03

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SEVERAL WEEKS LATER ; ── ꒰ ❀ ꒱ ◞ ̑̑ೃ࿔

[name] sighed as she inserted five yen on the vending machine in front of her. What a boring day to start her day. The other students, especially the student councils are surely busy today, for preparing for the school festival coming in this three days.

"[name]-chan!" Her friend, [n/o/f] beamed before tackling her.

The [e/c] eye girl chuckled before beaming her friend a small 'hello'.

"Guess what? Konoha-senpai has asked me out~" She said then squealed while jumping around her.

[name] coughed in disbelief, "R-Really? Since when? Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" She whined.

"He asked me this last few days. He told me that he likes me so I said I like him as well. Oh my god! I'm so happy and lucky." Her friend respond.

She smiled, "I'm happy for you. If he broke your heart, I'll break his face." She said with matching intimidating tone.

"He won't, so don't worry." She giggled, "Anyway, are you excited for the school festival?"

[name] nod then thumbs up, "100% excited because that would be fun." She respond.

"I heard there will be a blind date, do you want to try it with Akaashi-kun?" She asked then smirked afterwards.

"W-What? I do but don't you think it's embarrassing to drag Akaashi-senpai in that kind of situation. I mean we're not that even close." [name] respond.

"Stick closer to me whenever I'm with Konoho-senpai~ There are times that I'm hanging out with him and his team mates." She said and [name] just nodded her head.

" She said and [name] just nodded her head

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Her friend, [n/o/f] run towards her boyfriend, Konoha Akinori. She giggled then pulled him into a hug. [name] sure is jealous because her friend already have a boyfriend.

"Akinori-kun, this is my friend, [name]-chan." [n/o/f] introduced, "[name]-chan, this Akinori-kun, my handsome boyfriend."

Akaashi-kun is way more handsome. She thought.

[name] simply bowed, "Nice to meet you, Konoha-senpai." She said.

She was about to open her mouth when they heard a loud and familiar perky voice.

"Hey hey hey! Konoha, we never thought you have a girlfriend~" Bokuto said then smacked his team mate's shoulder.

"And guess what, you never have one." Konoha said then laughed.

"Huh? For your information, I have had two ex. Who's the guy who never tasted a girl's lips, that is Konoha for you." The horned owl shot back and they start to laugh, while the two are bickering.

Bokuto stop when he noticed [name] who's keeping herself from laughing.

"Hey there, small-chan!" He said then laughed.

She blushed instantly, "I said I'm not small, Bokuto-senpai!" She said then groaned annoyedly.

"My height is [height]." She added.

"Small-chan!" He teased even more then stucked out his tongue. She felt the embarrassment again.

"Bokuto-san, please, stop being so loud." Akaashi suddenly said behind them.

He swiped off his sweats from his neck. [name] felt her heart race as she stare at the raven haired guy. Bokuto covered his mouth with his hands, trying to stop himself from laughing because of your embarrassment.

"Akaashi-kun~" A feminine voice rung inside of the gym, coming from their manager, Shirofoku Yukie. She run up to Akaashi then clinged to his arm.

Akaashi-kun's girlfriend? The [e/c] eyed girl thought as she watched the manager giggled while clinging at the setter's arm. She look at [name] and smiled.

"Hi! I'm Shirofoku Yukie and you are?" She asked.

"I'm [lastname] [name], a second year." [name] respond and shake Yukie's hand, smiling at her.

"Akaashi-kun, can you help me with my homework?" Yukie askee the raven hair guy.

"Can't you do it with yourself?" Akaashi asked then sighed and Yukie whined.

[name] can see the closeness between the two and that makes her chest hurt.

"[n/o/f]-chan and Konoha-senpai. I'm going home, my mom is probably waiting for me." She said before bowing her head to the others.

"But [name]-chan, It's raining hard..." Her friend said.

"No worries, I brought my umbrella and it's on my locker. Jaa nee~" [name] said then waved her hand before running off out of the gym.

She made her way to her locker. She lied that she brought her umbrella, but she really didn't. She just wanted to be alone right now. She wanted to clear off her mind that Akaashi would never like her.

She wanted to clear to her mind that Yukie is Akaashi's girlfriend and she should not continue her feelings for Akaashi. She never thought that Akaashi would have a girlfriend.

"What a pain." [name] mumbled then chuckled slightly, "I guess I should let the rain soak me."

She put her notebooks inside of her locker then locked it afterwards. She pulled out a long heavy sigh then run outside of the school, letting the rain start to dampen her.

Since, it's friday, she's wearing p.e uniform and unfortunately, her shoe lace unfasten and so she stopped and kneeled down then start tying her shoe lace under the rain. But suddenly, the rain isn't soaking her anymore.

She looked up and saw the one and only, Akaashi who's holding his own umbrella for the [e/c] eyed girl.

"You said you brought your umbrella." Akaashi said with his calm voice.

[name] looked back to her shoes before she stand up.

"I thought that too, but I guess I forgot it again." She said.

"I guess I should walk you home again." He said.

[name] saw Yukie who's walking towards them. She immediately shake her hands.

"A-Ah? It's fine, you don't have to but thanks, Akaashi-kun." She said then slightly smiled. Akaashi was about to open his mouth but then [name] start to run away.

"Akaashi-kun~ I told you to wait for me." Yukie whined.

He just only watched [name] run further away from him, running under the pouring rain with no umbrella. He sighed and thought about of how weird she acted today.

[name] sniffed as her tears keep falling down to her cheeks. She clutched her throbbing chest and run further.

𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 ; akaashi keijiWhere stories live. Discover now