Chapter 07

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I hope that AGAASHEEE is not out of character :D

anyway, ENJOY!

anyway, ENJOY!

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She's sleeping with loud snores comes out from her mouth. The sun light is striking to her window and to her eyelids. She fluttered her eyes and instantly rose up from her bed.

"Crap! I'm gonna be late!" She cursed under her breath.

She went to her bathroom. She undressed herself then she opened the heater before opening the shower. She took a bath real quick. After with the bath, she grabbed her camping bag then head downstairs.

She grabbed a piece of pizza inside of the fridge before heading outside of her house. She locked the door and the gate then head to the train station. Her pace sure is fast, hoping that the rented school bus didn't left her.

Meanwhile, Bokuto, Akaashi, Konoha and Ayumi is waiting for her. And gladly, she didn't took half hour to arrived. Her friends look at her. [name] wearing grey hoodie, [f/c] ripped pants and pair of [f/c] high-cut converse.

Her [h/l] [h/c] hair flew from side to side as she run.

"Ohayo!" She said, "I'm sorry! I overslept and didn't noticed the time." She explained while panting hard. She probably ran, that's why.

"It's okay, the others are still not here though." Ayumi said.

"Akaashi-kun~ I saw the seating arrangement, you're my sitting partner." Yukie said then smiled and the setter sighed before nodding his head.

"What about me?" Bokuto whined.

"Bokuto, you're sitting with me." Komi said and the horned owl nod.

Their teacher has arrived and went inside of the bus. They started to fix the seating arrangements as they called the students one by one.

"[lastname], you don't have a partner." Her teacher said and she nod.

The teacher pointed where she will sit and it's on the other side next to Akaashi and Yukie's seat.

Yukie sit next to the window same like [name], she's sitting with her blank face. She really want Akaashi to sit with her but too bad it didn't happened. The setter glanced at the [e/c] eye girl before sitting down next to Yukie.

"[name]-chan, you okay there?" Ayumi ask while sitting with Konoha behind her seat.

She gave a thumbs up to her friend. She pulled out a quiet sigh then she shuffles to her bag, finding her phone. She pulled it outside of the bag along with her earphones. She put the earbuds in her ears then start to listen to her favorite musics.

And after few minutes, the school bus engine starts. The trip didn't took much much long, maybe just like three hours bus trip.

They have arrived at the place. The camping place. There's a lot of trees and bushes surrounding them but there's a space as well. The students were happy about the place. It is relaxing and quiet. There's also a camping house, where they are going to stay.

"Okay, students, listen up. Boys are separate from girls. Go to your room and settle down your stuff." One of the teachers said.

" One of the teachers said

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[name]'s room mate is Yukie, Ayumi and the other female students. They all get along so well. She thought that Yukie is nice and kind, no wonder that Akaashi might hold feelings for her.

Boys are in denial, sometimes.

"Lunch is ready!" They heard.

Students went outside of their room and head to a small dining room.

They saw random kinds of food for their lunch. Some of them looks delicious and some are not. Well, don't judge the food by its look. They start to dig in and deliciously savored their meals.

"Small-chan, you should eat vegetables, you'll gain height." Bokuto said then shoved some green vegetables on her plate.

She frowned, "Bokuto-senpai, this is too much! I can't eat all of this." She said then shoved the vegetables back to his plate.

"[name]-san, how about fruits? Do you want some?" Akaashi said then shoved some colorful fruits to her plate.

She felt her heart skip a beat, "Akaashi-kun, thank you, but this is too much as well and I can't eat all of this." She said then put the fruits back to the setter's plate.

Akaashi nod then eat his meal. Somehow, [name] doesn't know what to feel anymore. She's getting confused. Is Akaashi is being nice? Or that was his way to show his feelings?

"I know he won't feel the same way." She mumbled while chewing the pork.

Akaashi leaned, "What was it? You were saying something?" He ask.

The [e/c] eye girl vigorously shake her head, feeling nervous that the setter might heard what she have had said. The setter nod once again before looking back at his plate.

[name] sighed then glance at her best friend who's currently smirking at her while wiggling her eyebrows in a teasing manner. She blushed then look away.

𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 ; akaashi keijiWhere stories live. Discover now