Chapter 13

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a u t h o r ' s n o t e ;

hiyiii~ omg! i missed this book, specially akaashi and bokuto! ♥
i'm sorry for not updating this for ages ;w; welp, i'm a flop, gomen!! >,<

i also published an oikawa x reader. lololol! check it out if u want to.

& i read your comments, i'm so thankful for the positive feedback! ♥
i luvv u ♥

p.s: i don't own the pic above, it belongs to its owner.

poor akaashi ;w; crying keiji breaks my heart


"[name]-chan, you were absent for two days and i was worried. what happened to you?" ayumi ask as she hug you, tight.

you chuckled, "i'm fine. i just need a break." you respond.

she pulled away, "a break from what?" she ask.

you rub your nape, "well, i think i have remembered everything again." you respond.

"you think?"

"well i remembered when i was hit by a car. the day we were having a camp trip and such." you said.

she smiled, "that's good [name]-chan, i hope it's a start to remember all of the memories you have lost." she said.


"you seemed a bit off today, are you sure you're okay?" she ask then she put her hands on her hips.

"honestly, i'm not." you respond.

ayumi sighed then she grab your wrist, "let's go to the rooftop and we will talk about this." she said.

you didn't protest, she deserves to know since she is your friend or best friend, perhaps. once you have reached the rooftop, she closed and locked the door. then she sit on the floor and motions you to do the same thing, which is you did and sit next to her.

"so, what seems to be the problem?" she ask.

you pursed your lips then you sigh, "you know after the camp trip, before i was hit by a car, that day, i confessed to akaashi-kun." you respond.

her eyes widened, "you did? what did he say? why i didn't know about this?" she sound so confused.

"so he didn't tell you huh? he said he don't feel the same way, love is not his thing and such." you said.

"but you know, the first time i saw him again, i feel weird, probably because of the familiar i've been having for him. then last last day, that was the day i start to remember everything. i ask him, why is he being so nice to me if he did rejected me? he should care less about me if don't like me."

ayumi sigh, "ever since you left, i never have saw him so alive again. he just went back to his drop-dead attitude and barely speak, unless if it's important." she said.

you look at her with wide eyes, "really?" you ask.

"yeah." she giggled.

"but even so, i was hurt. maybe i need to think about this and i won't confess again." you said.

"well, it's your decision [name]-chan, i will just support you. but think carefully about it, i don't want to see you regretting." she said.

you smiled, "thanks ayumi."


the practice is over and you watch ayumi and his boyfriend walk side by side from the court as ayumi wipe his sweat off.

"hey there small-chan." bokuto smiled as he lock the door of the gym.

you smiled back then he walks off with the others, except akaashi. you was about to follow them but the setter grab your wrist.


you turned around, "can i talk to you for a bit?" he ask. you bit your lip and nod either way.

"we're going ahead, see you tomorrow and akaashi-san, walk her home, will you?" ayumi smirk.

"this girl..." you muttered.

akaashi nod and they left, "let's talk on the park." you said.

----- mini time skip -----

you sit next to him, you look up at the sky and witnessed the beautiful stars and the bright moon.

"i know you're mad at me." akaashi started.

"i'm not akaashi-kun, i just don't know what to feel but it doesn't mean i'm mad at you." you said.

he turned his head to you and you did the same, "i'm going straight to the point. i like you all this time [name]-san, i just don't know how to acknowledge my feelings and it ended up by rejecting you, maybe i'm afraid of a thought that you'll get tired of me and will leave me eventually. i was guilty that you lost your memory because i think it's my fault. it's my fault that you don't even remember a single thing." he said.

"i'm sorry, i really am. forgive me [name]-san."

"it's not your fault akaashi-kun, so please don't blame yourself." you said with a comforting tone.

he grabs your hands and he straightly look at your pair of [e/c] eyes, "i want you to like me again. so [name]-san, if we won against nekoma, please go out with me." he said.

your eyes widened and your heart is beating fast. you noticed how his eyes fix yours and only yours. you don't want to say no and you never want to say no. you crack a very very small smile before nodding your head.

"then do your best and win it." you said.

he smiled, "i will." he said and he pulled you into a tight hug. you wrapped your arms around him and hug him back.

𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 ; akaashi keijiWhere stories live. Discover now