Chapter 06

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"Small-chan~" The horned owl captain beamed behind the [h/l] [h/c] hair girl who's currently walking alone in the hallway of the school.

"Hey, Bokuto-senpai." She said.

The horned owl was about to open his mouth to say something but eventually the drop-dead gorgeous setter came.

"Bokuto-san, I've been looking everywhere for you!" Akaashi irked.

"Ohoho! I was about to buy a drink but I saw small-chan here." Bokuto respond.

"Hello, Akaashi-kun." [y/n] chimed then waved her hand.

The setter nod, "Hello, [name]-san." He greeted then he glanced at Bokuto, "Our practice will start in any minute." He informed.

Bokuto glanced at her, "Small-chan, could you buy me something to drink?" He asked.

"Bokuto-san." Akaashi threatened.

"What? Well, okay then. Akaashi,  could you buy me something to drink?" Bokuto asked then smirked.

Akaashi twitched his eyebrows, slightly annoyed towards the horned owl captain.

"Ano... I'll go buy a drink for you." [name] said.

"[name]-san, I will do it." Akaashi said.

She shake her head, "I will do it." She said.

"I will do it." He said.

"Why don't you both buy a drink for us? I'll go ahead~" Bokuto said then he run off away from the two. [name] and Akaashi sighed.

"Let's go, [name]-san." Akaashi said and she followed behind.

"Akaashi-kun, are you going to join the camp trip?" She asked.

He nod, "Yeah, Coach told us to come." He respond, "What about you?"

"I don't know." She respond.

Akaashi glanced at her, "Why? It would be fun so you should come." He said.

"Just kidding! Of course, I'll come. Heck, I'm so excited about the camp." She happily said then giggled.

After they bought Bokuto's drink and also for the others, they went back to the gym. She saw her best friend is sitting with her boyfriend, clinging with each other. She really feel happy for Ayumi.

"They sure sweet, huh?" Akaashi asked then stood next to [name].

She nod, "Yeah, they are." She quietly respond.

"But love is pain in the ass." The setter said.

"It's not if you can handle a relationship well." She said.

"So you can handle one?" He asked.

She shake her head side to side, "Well, I don't know. I haven't try though." She sheepishly respond.

"Heh! That's what I thought." Akaashi said then chuckled before walking away and sit on the bench with his friend, Bokuto.

"Akaashi-kun~" Yukie sang as she run up to Akaashi.

The setter sighed before waving his hand. [name] ignored the two then she go grabbed the ball. She decided to play alone since the others is taking their break for a bit. She stepped backward, few meters away from the net.

[name] dribbled the ball before spinning it. She wanted to know how high she can jump and how strong she can spike the ball. Little didn't she know that the others are watching her.

She tossed the ball in the air then jumped and spiked the ball towards the other side of the net.

The ball made a loud impact and produced a loud thud. The ball was in. [name] inwardly chuckled.

"Spiking is fun." She said to herself then she looked at her stinging palm.

"Small-chan sure is strong. I'm impressed." Bokuto said to the others.

Akaashi stood up then walked to her direction.

"I can toss a ball for you." Akaashi said.

[name] smiled, "Really? If you insist then." She said then tossed the ball to Akaashi and he flawlessly catched it.

She spikes whenever Akaashi tosses the balls and the setter himself seemed kind of flabbergasted.

She spikes whenever Akaashi tosses the balls and the setter himself seemed kind of flabbergasted

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"Geh! I'm so tired." Konoha said then snaked his arms around Ayumi's shoulders.

The others are coming out inside of the gym.

"My arms are tired. Tired of catching [name]-san's spikes." Komi said then sighed.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to—" She said.

"Hehe~ Just kidding." Komi interrupted.

Yukie locked the gym's door. Akaashi, Bokuto, Konoha and [name] went to the other direction, same goes for the others. They headed to their home since it's already evening.

Once she have arrived to her house, she scurried to her bedroom to pack up her stuff she's going to need for the camp.

𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 ; akaashi keijiWhere stories live. Discover now