Chapter 09

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Today is sunday and the camp trip sure is a lot of fun, but too bad it has to end. The students are waiting for their school bus on the parking bus. They are ready to head back to their home.

"I don't want to leave, camping is fun." Ayumi said then sighed deeply.

Her boyfriend, Konoha rubbed her back to make her feel better.

"Me too, Ayumi-chan." The [e/c] eye girl said.

"Here's the school bus." The teacher said.

One by one, they went inside of the bus and sit on their seating arrangements. As the usual, [name] sit alone by herself. How badly she want to sit with his all time crush, Akaashi.

"Can I sit with you?" In all of a sudden, Akaashi ask her.

She nod, "S-Sure! I don't mind." She stuttered, scolding herself after stuttering like an idiot.

The setter sit next to her.

"You're sad because we're leaving already?" Akaashi ask.

"Yeah, we didn't have much enough time to have some fun." She respond then pulled out a heavy sighed.

"I see." He said, "You can have some time back in the school."

"Maybe." She said then smiled.

" She said then smiled

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They have arrived back to their city. Yukie, Bokuto, Komi and the others went to the other direction. Konoha and Ayumi went to the grocery while Akaashi is waiting for their home car and same goes for [name].

She felt her heart is beating so fast. She really want to confess right now but she didn't know how to start. She's thinking about if she's ready or not. She took a deep breath before facing the setter.

"Akaashi-kun." She called his name.

"Hm?" Akaashi look at her. At first, she hesitated but it's now or never.

"Akaashi-kun, I like you all this time." She confessed to one and only, Akaashi Keiji.

The love of her life, the one who makes her heart race and the one that makes her smile. He is surprised but not really sure what he really feel towards her or if there is something holding him back.

"I'm sorry but I don't feel the same way, [name]-san." He said while looking directly to her [e/c] shiny eyes, "Besides, I don't have any love interest."

A dejected smile formed to her lips as she held back her tears that is threatening to fall down to her rosy cheeks. She stifle a fake and small chuckles so he won't feel bad for rejecting her. She don't know what to feel anymore and don't know what facial expression should she make.

"But I'm glad that you told me." He said.

She nod her head, "At least I know what you feel towards me." She said, "Well, I'm going home."

She can't hold her tears anymore. It start to run down to her cheeks and she start to sob, she's a crying mess right now. Akaashi look at her then messed her [h/l] [h/c] hair.

"Don't cry, [name]-san." He said.

"Thank you, Akaashi-kun." She said then step back before turning around to take her leave.

She heard he called out her name but she didn't bother to look back and she know she shouldn't because she don't want to see what face is he making now.

She fasten up her pace until she run away as tears still streaming down to her cheeks. She can't hold it anymore, it hurts a lot.

She showed him what she got, she showed him that she care for him even though he doesn't care for her, she showed him that she love him so much and she showed him her sweet love for him but I guess that isn't enough.

She feel someone is behind her. She look through the corner of her eyes and saw Akaashi's existence is following her.

Why is he following me? That's the first question appeared in her mind.

"[name]-san!" He called out.

Don't look back, [name], just keep your pace. She thought to herself. Her chest hurts. She was about to run across the street to meet her home car but suddenly...


All she see is pitch black that is surrounding her and she can hear some people are horribly screaming her name.

What's happening?

She want to open her eyes but she can't, like it is forcibly closing. After that, she slowly lost her consciousness.

𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 ; akaashi keijiWhere stories live. Discover now