Chapter 15

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yes hi (:
please don't hit me, I know
I haven't updated this for ages.
but yeah, this would be the last
chapter, like I stated on the previous one.

I'm not going to write more about the match since we all know what happened.



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*fanarts belongs to its wonderful owners*


Nekoma Fukurodani

28 | 32

That's the final score of the match. Your eyes stare at them with amazement. Fukurodani won the game against nekoma. It was such an intense battle.

Few minutes later, you and Ayumi left the crowded benches to meet the boys in the hallway to congratulate them.

"Congratulations!~" You and Ayumi chimed.

They thanked the both of you then Ayumi engulfed his boyfriend with a tight hug, while you were engulfed by Bokuto and the others.

"Where's Akaashi?" You asked; you noticed he wasn't around already.

"He said he's going to the bathroom." Konoha responded.

"Oh okay, catch you guys up later, I'm going to look for Akaashi." You smiled then you runs off.

Bathroom? Where was it again?

You turned to your left and saw Akaashi sitting on the bench near on the water dispenser. You can see his eyes are closed while he's breathing heavily; he must be really tired.

Then you saw he was holding the lucky charm you gave him earlier before their match started.

A smile crept on your face.

"Akaashi." You called.

Akaashi opened his eyes and stand up. You smiled and you run towards him. You put your arms around his neck and hug him so tight; Akaashi did the same thing.

You can feel your heart is pounding so hard. It must really feel nice of having Akaashi in your arms.

"Congrats." You said, "You were amazing back there."

Akaashi pulled away and his beautiful eyes stare at yours. You cupped his cheeks and slowly leaned closer; closing the gap between you and him. Akaashi kissed you back.

He can feel the butterflies on his stomach while his heart is running wild like a cheetah. You pulled away with a huge blush on your cheeks.

"Since we won, there's no backing out now with our deal, Y/N." Akaashi said.

You chuckled, "Who even said I will back out." You said, "I love you, Keiji." You intertwined your fingers with his.

He rested his forehead to yours.

"I love you too." Akaashi softly smiled; the smile you have never seen before.

It's pure and genuine and it melts your heart and your whole being.

"Let's go~!" You chimed.

You and Akaashi started running to meet the others; hand in hand. The smile on your face and on Akaashi's never fade.

Akaashi is genuinely happy, he can feel himself wants to explode with happiness and content. He glanced at you and softly squeezed your hand.

So this is it, this is the feeling of being genuinely in love.

So this is it, this is the feeling of being genuinely in love

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*: THE END :*

𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 ; akaashi keijiWhere stories live. Discover now