The Wedding

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As soon as we finish singing we all grin. It feels like the happiest moment of my life especially knowing Leon is there by my side. I let myself wonder will this be us one day? My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by Franchesca who pulls me into a hug. "Vilu i am so happy for you. This is what you have  wanted for so long" she says smiling. " It is true" I say, "I always knew they would  find a way to be together(Angie&German) "

A few moments later I am pulled away by Leon. He leads me somewhere through the magical garden. "Where are we going?" I ask suspiciously. "You'll see, its a surprise" he answers grinning. God he is so handsome i just want to kiss him and love him forever. All of a sudden leons hand is over my eyes. I trust him so i let him guide me where i need to go. " No complaining this is odd" my man says. "No I trust you" " Did I ever tell you i love you???" " I think you have but one more wouldn't  hurt" I say laughing. He softly pecks my cheek as we keep walking.
He finally stops, removes his hand revealing the most romantic picnic I have ever seen. There were candles, cakes, drinks there were even rose petals softly laid on around this magical sight. " You did this all for me??" " Of course I did my love".My heart melts inside I knew he was special even the first day I met him when he protected me from those  skaters. Even through our rough times he was there to protect me. As we sit down and I stare into his beautiful hazel eyes finding myself lost as usual. I couldn't  help but smile. " What are you grinning at" he asks "you" I reply." Do you find me funny and so hilarious that when you look at me you just have to grin" " of course not, i smile because i love you and will love you for ever more" he leans closer. I look down but feel his thumb and forefinger hold up my chin. He's staring deep into my eyes when he says " love you and I always will, I will never leave you, you are my world Violetta and I could not live without you". His eyes flicker to my lips. His lips meet mine. This is true love i think to myself. His hand are now at my waist and I want them to stay there.

.I don't know how long we are kissing for but I know this is love is a magical bond that will never break...

Sorry guys if this is really bad its my first ever chapter of a book I have written so thanks for reading it anyway.

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