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suddenly everyone is silent. Everyone is shocked.  no one says anything until i hear Pablo say" guys dont worry this is a great opportunity, yo should be happy. i have rung Fede and he will be meeting us in Germany where we will be doing our show". everyone nods. " When is the first date of the tour?" asks maxi. " you guys will be leaving in a week" i see violetta shed a tear and go walk over to  her, but the next thing i know she has jumped her seat and ran outside. " violetta" i scream, running outside. until i feel a hand on my chest its Fran " let me go" she says whilst running off. and i just stand there speechless not knowing what to think, what to do or what to say...


As soon as i hear what Pablo says i start to cry and see Leon walking over to me. i dont want to hear what he has to say. so i get up and run outside. i push open the door and hear Leon scream my name but i ignore it. i cant handle this right now. he cant leave just when everything was going perfectly. i just keep running and crying, running and crying on and on and on. i am suddenly at the park. i find our bench and sit down and look at my reflection in the mirror. i cant do this. i hear footsteps nearby. i look up and see Fran " i thought i could find you here" she says with i little smile. " listen you can do this, its not that log, it will fly by and soon enough you will see him again. i think you might as well try. i mean you will regret it if you just give up. savor these last moments because they will last forever" " did i ever tell you how much of a great friend you are?" i reply she just smiles. " do you wanna get a juice?" she asks " i would love to" i respond we both stand up and wrap our arms around each other and we both give a small hug.

----------------------------------------TIME SKIP---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fran and i had our juice and now i am at home eating one of those cruddy meals Olga left in the fridge whilst watching the bachelorlette. man some of these guys i mean the just wow. But i dont think they will ever be as good as Leon. i can hear my phone ringing i look down and see Leon photo and press decline. i dont want to speak to him now. i will talk to him tomorrow. i am just not in the mod like not at all. i wash up and head upstairs into my room. i write in my diary about today. then off to bed i go, it feels so strange without Leon next to me...

---------------------------------------LEONS POV-----------------------------------------------------------------------

i let Francesca follow violetta. i head back inside and see everybody sitting down. i say goodbye to all of them and leave i head to my apartment. i feel so alone. i dont know why but i expect a phone call or meeting or at least some thing with Violetta but i am wrong maybe she just wants to ignore me. but i am not going to let that happen. i pick p my cellphone and call her it goes to message bank. i call her another thousand times but nothing. i give up and head t bed. i realise what if this is the end. and suddenly feel sad. i change and lie down it feels so empty without violetta here...


hi guys i hope you like this chapter please vote and comment love you all


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